Home News King Has a Plan for His Future

King Has a Plan for His Future


Fourth in a series

Re “A King’s Philosophy for Gaining, Holding Office

[img]2333|right|Christopher King||no_popup[/img]As one of the youngest candidates ever to run for City Council, 31-year-old Christopher Patrick King is not lacking in ambition.

After explaining that he is developing a vision for the community for the next five to 20 years, Mr. King said he does have a long range political strategy for his own life.

“My plan is to hopefully serve eight years as a City Councilman in Culver City,” he said.

“My passion, ever since literally I was in the second grade, has been politics. My mom is the one who got me interested in history and U.S. government.

“I see it as the way I can make the greatest difference for the greatest number of people,” said Mr. King, owner of a mortgage company.

“I really feel that in my heart. I feel that politics is my avocation.

“If I can do a fantastic job in Culver City for eight years, my commitment is there. My first job is to do a great job here. Before I even start thinking about the future, that is my plan. “