Home OP-ED Mr. Z, You Did Not Miss a Thing Last Week

Mr. Z, You Did Not Miss a Thing Last Week


Re “Karlo’s Defeat Was Tough on the Britches

Dear Mr. Skye King,

It is apparent that you are a Kathy Paspalis fan. You are quick to point out the flawed reasoning of former School Board member Karlo Silbiger for attempting to explain the insane.

Has it occurred to you that he is suffering from post traumatic shock syndrome along with most of the intelligent people of Culver City?

Often I have explained to my older son that you can’t predict the actions of crazy people. A lot of Culver City citizens and most of its politicians (School Board or City Council) are unpredictable. Ms. Paspalis over Mr. Silbiger? I am no brain surgeon. I don’t even claim to be a rocket scientist.

Last month, Nota Sheep claimed to be ashamed. http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-13717/GoAheadMsSheepWhatMadeYouAshamedofMe

There are many theories out of what could have happened in the School Board race.

Verdicts That Caused Silbiger to Lose Favor with Voters http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-13912/VerdictsThatCausedSilbigertoLoseFavorwithVoters

Mr. Andrew Casle believes that Mr. Silbiger’s approval of School District funds to pay for a bond analysis, and then his speech used to delay placing the bond on the ballot, alienated much of the voting public.

Guess you haven’t read Ms. Lori Jeffries’s letter so eloquently stated: http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-13911/SheHasSeenThisBondMovieBeforeNoNotJames

Indeed, a second chance exists for bond supporters this fine day. A second chance to pay a handsome fee to another well-respected pollster to ascertain basically the same information gleaned last June. A second chance exists for the Educrats to spend tens of thousands of more taxpayer dollars on paid consultants to learn what it already knows.

Have you seen the latest Bond Meeting report from the Insider scooper.

A Wednesday afternoon meeting in the School District’s offices basically was the same old again.

Supt. David LaRose, Mike Reynolds, assistant superintendent for business, along with 14 invited community stakeholders, met with the newly hired District consultants for the upcoming General Obligation bond measure campaign.

Guess who wasn’t there? Robert Zirgulis, Mr. Z, says he was uninvited when he showed his face at the door, by no other than the Super bouncer. I miss Dr. Myrna Cote, an earlier superintendent. The lady had class. Bet she would not have done such. Below the dignity of her status as Superintendent of the District. Stay up past midnight to beg the City Council for use of the taxpayers’ Council Chambers and play door bouncer to a public meeting. Guess the School Board can get you to do anything when you do not have any more credentials than the average elementary school teacher.

The District/community attendees were School Board members Sue Robins and Nancy Goldberg, the presidents of the two District employee unions, and representatives from the Office of Childhood Development, the Culver City Education Foundation, United Parents of Culver City, Culver City High School’s AVPA, the Academy of Visual and Performing Arts, the district's Sustainability Committee and various community members. No shows (power couple present and past board presidents) Laura Chardiet and Attorney Paspalis, and also Dr. Levin.

Reminds of the day back in the 1970s at Studio 54, a New York nightclub known for its celebrity clients. There were long lines outside where the regular people waited for hours to be invited to come in for $50 each. Gas was 65 cents a gallon back then. The celebs could just get out of their limos and walk right through the opened velvet ropes into the club. Once the invited got in, the drinks were like $10 for a glass of tap water. That was called the Sucker Section. You never saw the celebs because there was another prohibited section called the VIP Room. Mr. Z you did not miss a thing.

Mr. Abrams may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com