Home OP-ED Laying the Groundwork for Bond Campaign

Laying the Groundwork for Bond Campaign


A Wednesday afternoon meeting in the School District’s offices basically was the same old again.
Supt. David LaRose, Mike Reynolds, assistant superintendent for business, along with 14 invited community stakeholders, met with the newly hired District consultants for the upcoming General Obligation bond measure campaign, Jared Boigun (pronounced  “BOY-gone”) and local resident Paul Goodwin, our new election pollster.

The District/community attendees were School Board members Sue Robins and Nancy Goldberg, the presidents of the two District employee unions, and representatives from the Office of Childhood Development, the Culver City Education Foundation, United Parents of Culver City, Culver City High School’s AVPA, the Academy of Visual and Performing Arts, the district's Sustainability Committee and various community members.
Mr. Boigun announced that GO bond measures could only be put on a ballot during an already scheduled state primary or general election. This meant that the School Board has only three opportunities in the next 24-month period to put a bond measure up for a community vote: June 2014, November 2014, or November 2015. 

Mr. Boigun also noted that school districts could legally call for a special election on a parcel tax measure at any time of the year.
Mr. Goodwin reaffirmed that he could have his first draft of the telephone survey questions ready by Jan. 6, with the Board and committee members to review and comment.

Mr. Goodwin is co-owner of Goodwin Simon Strategic Research, a voter research firm, with offices in Culver City and Oakland. The Goodwin company will conduct a telephone survey for the School District to assess the feasibility of passing a revenue-related measure on the June or November ballot.

Mr. Goodwin has helped more than 60 cities, school districts, college districts, and county agencies pass more than 75 bonds, parcel taxes, transient occupancy taxes, sales taxes, and Prop. 218 fees, raising billions of dollars for public services.

This includes passing bond and parcel tax measures in nearby districts, Santa Monica-Malibu USD, Santa Monica College, the Centinela Valley Union High School District, the LAUSD, and the Las Virgenes USD.

A 23-year resident of Culver City, Mr. Goodwin said proudly that he walked every block in his neighborhood on behalf of Measure EE, the present parcel tax.

Mr. Laase may be contacted at GMLaase@aol.com