Home OP-ED Now Comes the Hard Part, Moving

Now Comes the Hard Part, Moving


Dateline Dayton – This has been another memorable week. On Thursday, we purchased a dining room table and chairs for our new condo. This was at a second-hand store, but I’m sure they have a more sophisticated name today.

I used Friday as my day off since we had to take Pauline’s brother Joe to his doctor’s appointment. The good news is he no longer needs a neck brace. Afterward, we did a Chinese lunch to celebrate. 

Then it was back to his apartment where Pauline did a great job decorating for Christmas. The rest of the day was quiet.

As is becoming common, it snowed Friday night. By Saturday morning, I was out cleaning the cars, the driveway and the walk when Jason, the neighbor across the street, offered me the use of his snow blower. That made cleaning easy. My snow blower never wants to run when needed.

Again this week, our granddaughter Julia’s basketball game was cancelled, so we went out for breakfast, actually closer to lunch. Later in the afternoon, I picked up our son Chris who helped me get the table from the store. I’m too cheap to have it delivered.

Sunday Chris went with us to church in Piqua,  my hometown, where a Mass was being said for my parents. There, we were joined by my brother and his wife, along with my sisters and their husbands.  We went out for breakfast later,  and it was nice. It was 6 in the evening before we returned home.

Late Monday afternoon, we did a walk-through of our condo, which was scheduled to close on Wednesday. I have told you about the problem with the electrical panel, which was replaced. The problem: It was done without getting an electrical permit from the city. One request was not done, hanging of the drapes.

After emailing back and forth with my realtor, we took the position that a permit must be obtained and inspection completed before closing. That got Charles’s attention.  He spun into action, and by the next day had applied for the permit.

Wednesday morning the windows were repaired, not to my satisfaction, but acceptably. Inspection of the electrical panel did not take place and is scheduled for today. After harsh words by me to the owner’s nephew, who is handling the sale, regarding the panel and the fact that the power was scheduled to be turned off, my realtor calmed me. She had the owner sign a paper that any additional cost in getting the panel approved would be her responsibility.

Closing took place without incident. In the evening, Chris helped me move the table into the condo, and it looks great.

Now the hard part, moving.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net