Home OP-ED There’s a New Mood in Town, and It Is So Welcome

There’s a New Mood in Town, and It Is So Welcome


[img]1686|right|Laura Chardiet||no_popup[/img]Too bad every School Board meeting cannot be treated with the same ice cream-dripping deliciousness that the casual environment of Opening Night brought…

Too loose, a disapproving curmudgeon might snarl.

Entertaining and highly appealing, the other 99 percent smilingly would attest.

With Ms. Show Biz becoming the new Madame President, the fun begins a moment ago.

She will rule from deep behind her horned-rim glasses that somehow have the unorthodox feel of a tall, spangled showgirl dancing on stage in such spectacles – without, of course, making a spectacle of herself.

With Christmas and all of the surrounding joy that it engenders perched on the doorstep of this month, a change of pace in the School Board president’s chair is entirely fitting.

Laura Chardiet, reformed actress/ lyricist/singer/charismatic personality who never has shed the touch or lost the bug, will be the entertaining entertainment director of this here School Board for the next 12 months.

If last night’s refreshingly welcome lightness becomes the norm, Supt. Dave LaRose will have to start selling tickets to School Board meetings – a fresh stream of revenue for the always starving School District? – and hire the boys from Bekins to keep moving the meetings to increasingly larger digs.

Broadway has come to City Hall – or is it the other way?

Ostensibly, last evening was the hour to hoist high the tinkling glasses in honor of the installation of new members Sue Robins and Dr. Steve Levin and the re-election of outgoing president Kathy Paspalis.

But only ostensibly.

Now the feisty Ms. Paspalis is not bashful, but she is not nearly as outgoing as Ms. Chardiet, the social director of this year-long cruise.

While committee assignments were being parceled out, Ms. Robins and Dr. Levin – judicious personalities who will not imitate flowers on a wall – smoothly went along with the patter. They also joined their new teammates in smiling approvingly when it came to one particular committee and Ms. Chardiet declared she was the single qualified fit for it.