Home OP-ED Fernandez ‘Roughing-up’ Case Drives into a Cul-de-sac

Fernandez ‘Roughing-up’ Case Drives into a Cul-de-sac


Re “A Culver City Officer Treated Me Despicably. He Is a Jerk.”

According to Charles Fernandez, two months ago this early morning, the 50-year-old musician was roughed up by the Culver City police as he returned home.

According to the Police Dept., an internal investigation showed the story to be tantamount to fiction.

“Scum cannot be allowed to get away with such conduct,” Mr. Fernandez told the newspaper after his complaint against a certain officer was dismissed.

The case resurfaced when an old chum of Mr. Fernandez’s made an inquiry about the status of the incident.

“I guess the Culver City police just figured he got what he deserves.

“I'm interested because I knew Fernandez at UCLA. He's a nice guy, exuberant and levelheaded. He also is a well-known bassoon player.

“He's big, so I thought the cop might have been intimidated and scared, and so treated him poorly. But then I saw that the officer himself is big and was a football player.

“I doubt that Fernandez came after him with a $30,000 bassoon. I'd like to know if anything comes of this.”

At this point, the case appears to be a dead-letter matter.

When the Police Dept. was approached this morning, the spokesperson issued a crisp two-sentence response:

“The department does not comment on personnel matters.

“As far as we are concerned, the matter is concluded.”