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Sitting Back


[img]541|left|Carter Dewberry||no_popup[/img]In 2009, my Christmas holiday started with a Christmas Eve TV performance in Los Angeles followed by a holiday party with my husband’s family in Corona. That evening we stayed at his mother’s house so that we could wake up early the next morning and share a quick breakfast. We then headed east to have (another!) brunch with my father and brother in Palm Springs on our way to Phoenix where we finished the day with Christmas dinner with my mother and sister.

That paragraph just erupted as one stressed-out run-on sentence needing to be tamed before being fit for public consumption. No wonder I decided to try something different for this year’s holiday.

This past weekend I flew to Phoenix to spend four days with my mother and sister. While we did do our share of running around to take advantage of the incredible deals available on the exercise bike my mother has been eyeing for months and the computer my sister wanted my help purchasing, we mostly just hung out.

It is strange for me to write the words “hung out.” I don’t often use this term in my life of action and exciting projects. However, I like how simple it looks in comparison to the lengthy clause that weighs down the first part of that sentence.

Our hanging out consisted mostly of eating, watching movies, and taking naps interspersed with unhurried conversation. I also spent much of the weekend looking through old family pictures, genealogy charts and other treasures. My mother shared wonderful stories in response to my discoveries.

Now that I am home, I remember the value of taking time to enjoy the slower parts of life alongside those I love. We don’t need parties, elaborate meals or fast-paced activities… in fact, when we “just hang out.” We create the space for less intense but equally as valuable communication.

I missed my husband this weekend, but I am happy that he spent some quality time with his family. Next year we have pledged that we will be spending quality time together. I already look forward to another deliciously relaxing yet invigorating Christmas.

Ms. Dewberry, an accomplished cellist, completed her DMA in Chamber Music Performance from UCLA in December 2005. She received her MM in Cello Performance from UCLA in June 2002 and her B.M. in Cello Performance from Western Michigan University in April 1998. She also holds a B.A. in French with a minor in Women's Studies and Philosophy.

Her website is www.carterdewberry.com

She may be contacted at carter@carterdewberry.com