Home OP-ED Grape Juice,Mmmm!

Grape Juice,Mmmm!


What do you enjoy drinking? I mean most of the time. Like with meals, in-between meals, and just for pleasure. Beer? Wine? Soda? Water? Juice? Milk?

I love grape juice. It is my “purple passion.”

When you think of grape juice, please don’t think of grapes. Grape juice is another animal.

I try to buy those huge (96 oz.) bottles of grape juice at Costco, when they are stocked with them at holiday times. Then I’ll sock away several bottles in one of the kitchen cabinets. My wife doesn’t like those big bottles on the dining room table so, before dinner, I pour. I carefully pour from a large bottle to a small empty grape juice bottle that I’ve saved for the occasion.

I sometimes drink it plain. That’s like drinking the richest, most luxurious, most regal, most opulent drink of all. But since I am not a king, and since I want to save some money, and since I really enjoy the taste of a mixed grape juice drink, I usually drink it mixed with another beverage. My favorite mixes: raspberry-, strawberry-, and black cherry-flavored clear sodas. About half a cup of grape juice and the same amount of soda equals DELISH! Recently I discovered another great combination: a mix of “Simply Orange” Raspberry Lemonade and grape juice.

Besides the great taste, I am very happy to know that my grape juice is reportedly good for me. Many studies claim that the flavonoids in grape juice are commensurate with red wine in their salutary properties. The flavonoids in grape juice, like those in wine, have been shown to prevent the oxidation of “bad” cholesterol (LDL), which can lead to the build-up of plaque in artery walls.

Where does my atavistic craving for grape juice come from? I recall liking grape jelly as a kid. How rich that was — spreading it on a sandwich — or a Ritz cracker — with butter (not margarine in those days) and peanut butter. Those hard candies and ice pops — finding the grape ones were like finding the “prize.”

So, I invite you to pour almost half a cup of grape juice into a tall glass (a paper cup just won’t do). Next, add about the same amount of flavored raspberry, strawberry or black cherry soda. Stir the mixture with your spoon — the large bubbles only detract from the flavor. Drink, savor and think about it. You are the king of all you imbibe. You deserve the richest, and healthiest drink.

Mr. Ebsen may be contacted at robertebsen@hotmail.com