Home OP-ED Seeing the City Through Wary Eyes

Seeing the City Through Wary Eyes


Second of two parts

Re “A Slightly Skeptical Perspective on the Community

Measure EE, the parcel tax, passed overwhelmingly. Oversight committee to be selected to monitor funds, $1.2 million annually for 5 years. A secret panel selected by board. (Redevelopment Agency, take notes on oversight.) I requested by letter in writing a response to explain the selection procedure the vote tally and identify the candidates. I have not received a coherent response.


Meanwhile the District students have raggedy school books. What happened to the school book allowance from the state? District property remains in disrepair and dangerous. Last school year, a school bus loaded with second graders broke down on the freeway en route to the Gene Autry Museum. A private bus firm to the rescue.


According to the City Council, to raise some needed capital the Council sold (no bids) public land (4043 Irving Pl.) to a private developer for $2.1 million to build luxury condos. City Council rebated developer $550K plus a sweetheart deal of a $6 million loan with $4 million in grants (forgiven) for 12 apartments (nine for moderate incomes, three for low income for ($500K each) with a 50-year lease back to the city. Huh? School Board make amends with the city, dba Redevelopment Agency, quickly.

The Council gave two days’ notice for a Monday, July 26 meeting to approve the Redevelopment Agency’s $6 million misadventure. For those of you who are not aware, the Redevelopment Agency and the City Council are one and the same members. After protests from the community over such legal short notice, the vote was tabled for two weeks with the same outcome. Did you really expect anything different?


During the second meeting the Council discovered that the developer had no experience with this type of development and that his only experience was building a custom home around 1995. Not that it mattered, that money had to go. 4 to 0 in favor. Meanwhile, the Redevelopment Agency fund grew $3.2 million to $22 million from 1995-96 to 2007-08.

State Senate Office of Oversight questions Culver City on redevelopment. City Council is considering whether certain records retained by the Finance Dept. should be destroyed. The Redevelopment Agency spent $2 million on planning and administrative expenses, and more than $300K on other assistance during fiscal year 2007-08. The Agency reported 638 cases of “other assistance” out of 1,943 statewide in 2007-08. Cities often give short shrift to affordable housing.


School District Superintendent Hunt School Board President writes contract for $20K search for new District Super. Board Vice President Esq. proofreads the contract for free.


District Superintendent search. Qualifications, according to the Board President: The person “must know whom they work for” (must be able to jump through hoops). Interim Super stayed up past midnight to ask City Council for permission for Board to use Council Chambers for meetings. According to V.P. Esq., accept what we can afford to pay ($180K), since it would be a privilege to work for fabulous Culver City School District.

They said the Interim Super could be Interim, but not apply to be the Super. After all, doesn't it make sense for the Board to allow the interim person to stay if she is the best candidate and we have an idea of how she will perform. “She is a hard-worker. She knows the School District. She cares about students and employees. And she has real loyalty to this community and to our schools.”


“When she was selected as the Interim, it was the perfectly logical thing to do.” “I got up in front of the Board and said, ‘Isn’t this great? And you’ll have an opportunity to see how she does. If she does well, then you can keep her on,’ like any normal business.

“Then they said to me later they told her she only could be the Interim. Or she could only be a candidate. Not both.

“That is nuts. If you have someone who is Interim and good, you keep the person. If the person is not good, you don’t. Honestly, I don’t know what the Board was thinking.

“The other thing I will say is that when the Board members were thinking of hiring Patty, they didn’t ask for the unions’ input in any meaningful way. I wrote back and said, ‘Why don’t you involve the unions in the whole process? We work here, for your employee.’ And, of course, that hasn’t happened. “Why wouldn’t they bring us in?”


“The Interim can’t really make policy decisions and take the District in a new direction.

“It was designed this way because we don’t want to go in two or three different directions.

“Dr. Cote (the immediate past Super) had us going in whatever direction we were going. If the Interim comes in with the idea he or she may become the Fulltime, and takes us in a new direction, but the Board later decides that Interim is all that person is, and the new Superintendent comes in and changes everything again, you can see where this would lead.

“Not a good idea,” Mr. Zeidman concluded. Is this legalese?


Freshman Board member rebuffed on request for use of Council Chambers for Board meetings, despite a $1,600 annual charge.


Most School Board meetings have a sparse attendance. Fewer than 25 people attend, and that includes the Board and the District personnel. Have you noticed the oversized chairs for the Board members? In Council Chambers, the Council members’ chairs are not only oversized, but also elevated above the audience. Goes back to the weird relationship between the Council and the Board. Anything to do with inflated ego?

The problem with Culver City politics is that most voters and citizens are uninformed. They select candidates by the follow-the-leader mentality. Most elected officials have no clue of what is really going on in the schools or in the city. Each one thinks it is a separate entity.

Parents are being asked to contribute more and more to the funding of the so- called free education. Elected officials are getting more comfortable with the culture of cutting (not their perks and their salaries, though).

Settlement reached on public school fees: California will have new protection against being charged fees for a public education that is required to be free. Attorneys filed the case after collecting numerous anecdotal examples of school districts charging fees for books, art supplies and other basic educational materials as well as students’ involvement in extracurricular activities.


Culver City U.S.D. on insolvent list.


One School District school is on the low-performing list of California’s 1,000 worst schools. District plans to block exodus from Linwood Howe School. State law skirted by slick acting District’s illegal requirement in place to move applying date for transfer to April 15, and close it on April 30, 2011. Only seven parents attended the presentation. Linwood E. Howe has a tight-knit family atmosphere. The energetic Principal, Amy Anderson, is refreshing and invigorating. My younger son (third grade) attends Linwood Howe. My older son (now in 11th grade). The teachers and staff are dedicated and hard working. The scores do not reflect the intelligence of our kids. If given the proper resources, the test scores would rival any school in most districts. The problem lies with the District and School Board not allocating the resources to assist the school’s diverse population.

Out-of-touch state legislators are making yet another attempt to get back salary and benefits that were cut last year by an independent commission.


Recipient of 2008-09 Culver City Education Foundation’s (CCEF) /See’s Candies Volunteer of the Year for excellence and dedication to education.


Mr. Abrams may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com