Home OP-ED Dems Give Republicans Permission to Come Back in From the Cold

Dems Give Republicans Permission to Come Back in From the Cold


All clear.

The unmistakable signal rang out from Washington every day last week — from fuming Democrats, of all unlikely suspects.

A mere 3 years and 10 months after Barack Obama emerged as a self-sculpted, self-anointed national political figure, turtle-like Democrats have flashed the unprecedented word to us lowly unwashed:

Finally, it is publicly acceptable to criticize Swishie without being branded a dirty lowdown racist.

Praise the Lords, I have seen the true light.

Two years to late for the electorate, slow-to-process Democrats realize what was obvious to Republicans the moment this under-qualified far-left gentlemen stepped out of the box:

He is an overwhelmed empty suit who is not within a mile of being his own man.

Raging over President Obama’s “sellout” to Republicans over the across-the-board taxcut bills and social excesses dear to Dem hearts, Democrats screamed at Swish as if, as if, my gosh, as if he were white.

Turns out, he is.

Must be the white half of his personality that Swishie is showing these days.

Now that they see how shallow and foppy Swishie is, they have given the rest of America permission to potch him without being called a racist.


Oh, Now We See What You Mean

In the past seven days, Democrats who are, shall we say, deliberate, finally have deduced what was obvious to the rest of us even before Swishie stepped out of a chewing-gum wrapper in Springfield three years ago last February and declared:

“I am the new Lincoln.” Listeners didn’t know if he was referring to the automobile or singer Abbey.

He has been a hollow imposter at every political stop, including his mysterious, underachieving days at the University of Chicago. But liberals are harder to convince.

We who are blessed with patience have been lushly rewarded with a bonus sideshow, too — Democrats clubbing each other over their heads while calling their President naughty names. A sideshow is appropriate since a clown is in the White House.

Let me take you back to the ancient days of yore, not when the Greeks and Romans were in first place but, oh, say, Thanksgiving when Dems thought Swish was the hottest negotiator since Neville Brand, Russell Brand or Neville Chamberlain.

Remember those old days?

It was just week before last when Republicans were being plastered as steely-eyed racists by the 98 percent of the media that is left-wing and the 100 percent of Democrats who are race-first minded.

Every trace of Republican criticism of President Obama was promptly interpreted for the masses as racist.

When the world was in so much trouble, only racists would dare inject race into politics by daring to criticize a black President, Democrat boys and girls said in unison.

Sure, those sly Republicans said their target was his far-left policies. But, our data shows 90 percent of conservatives are racist.

Now, those analytical Democrat giants on the left are privately patting Republicans on the back, asking, “Why didn’t you tell us he lacks a spin, a keen mind and a speck of ability to govern.”