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Children, I Hope You Are Listening


Dateline Dayton — Currently Chanukah is being celebrated as I write this, and Christmas will be here in just over two weeks. The weather here in Ohio has turned cold and snowy, as it usually does during the holiday season.

Retailers are trying their best to get us to spend money this month. I guess that is necessary to get, or keep, the economy moving, depending on who you believe. If you are one of the many unemployed, the economy has not recovered, no matter what anyone says.

Some of our children are still struggling. So this will be a difficult time of the year for them. I can, however, help with their gift giving for us; how about a weekly phone call or those who live close, visit without needing a special occasion. You say you’re already doing that? Then what about a help day, a day you help your parents with chores around the house? These are simple things that would be greatly appreciated.

Three Christmases stand out in my mind for receiving gifts. If the kids would follow my advice, which they won’t, this could be No. 4.

Memory a Little Blurred

The first memorable Christmas was when I was young. Normally we didn’t get many presents, especially toys. But this particular year when I awoke and walked into the living room, it appeared to be full of gifts. Although I can’t remember a single item I received, I vividly remember my sister getting an ironing board.

The second Christmas was the year the year Pauline and I shared a gift, my giving her an engagement ring and her accepting. I have written about this occasion in the past. I won’t repeat.

The third was the year Pauline and the kids gave me a hot air balloon ride. Although it was some time after before I got to use the gift, it was a great experience.

On a Saturday afternoon, we lifted off from a church south of town. There was a wedding taking place at the church. The groom had arranged for a hot air balloon ride for the couple after their ceremony, in a second balloon.

A beautiful day, we drifted along in the gentle breeze. At times the pilot would lower the balloon so we could pick leaves off trees, always rising to miss power lines.

The ride was absolutely breathtaking, watching people wave to you and, of course, listening to the barking dogs just added to the experience. We had a perfect landing in a field, where the homeowners were not present. What a surprise when they drove up to find two large balloons in their field, with people enjoying a toast of champagne, which is always served after a flight. They were nice people and joined us in celebrating our perfect flight.

Should you ever have the opportunity to enjoy a balloon ride, take advantage. I have been fortunate enough to take two so far. I would again in a heartbeat.

By the way, kids, if you are insistent on buying me something for Christmas, I could use underwear and socks!

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net