Home Letters Help Desperately Needed. Elected Guys Point Their Noses to the Sky.

Help Desperately Needed. Elected Guys Point Their Noses to the Sky.


After attending a Town Hall forum at the Venice Neighborhood Council, it struck me that with more than 20 percent of the homeless in L.A. being U.S. Veterans, why is it that those who are living in their cars, trucks and R.V.'s are not allowed the safety of parking overnight at the Veterans’ property in West L.A.?

Certainly, it would have no cost to the city of L.A. The V.A. has its own police force, hospital, canteen and on-site services.

So, I emailed the offices of CD11, Mayor Villaraigosa, U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman (D-West L.A.), County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, the V.A.’s director of asset management.

I received no response to my request for a meeting.

Two weeks ago, I sent yet another email, this time accompanied by a cc to the L.A. Times.

I received a response from Waxman’s office, from Yaroslavsky’s office, as well as from Mayor Villaraigosa’s office.

I requested that they get together for a single meeting, with everyone in the room, to discuss the issue.

To date:NOTHING.

It's cold, sometimes wet, and dangerous out on the streets, with some communities sending in dozens of LAPD to shoo away the homeless living in their vehicles.

So why is it that the V.A. dedicates 1.5 acres of land to a dog park, rents land to Enterprise rentals, Laidlaw buses, Fox Studios, UCLA and others, but does not allow homeless Vets a safe place to sleep?

West L.A. has 399 acres. More than 40 of the Veterans property is underutilized or not utilized.

Why is it that the city of L.A. wants to change the law to allow more pets in a single household, but does nothing but use police enforcement on homeless persons?

Why is it that our country has abandoned the very people we trained to go overseas to kill to protect us?

Are you not angry?

Not because they are living in your neighborhood on the streets, but rather because they are left to live on the streets??????

Jay Handal, Chair, of the West L.A. Neighborhood Council, may be contacted at www.sangennarocafe.com