Home OP-ED Night Vision

Night Vision


[img]541|left|Carter Dewberry||no_popup[/img]It wasn’t the cold that initiated the latest round of goosebumps traveling towards my wrists. Reading the newly updated website for the Skywheel project, the phrase “to reclaim the sacred mystery of the night sky as a place that fills us with wonder, awe, and possibility” leapt from the screen. I remember many nights spent huddled under blankets looking for shooting stars and all that the night sky holds possible.

The Skywheel Project is an effort created by my two friends, Kim and Steve. They plan to launch the first interfaith prayer wheel satellite that will orbit earth for a thousand years.

I have loved this project since first learning of it two years ago for so many reasons. I love that it is BIG. The mere thought of the steps necessary to bring the satellite to launch makes me shiver with excitement. This monumental vision inspires me to see my own limitless possibility.

I love that this satellite brings together the team’s artistic talents with their mutual vision for global peace and respect in diversity. All too often I see individuals sacrifice their integrity or dreams in order to move towards an outcome. In this case, however, Kim and Steve are fully aligned with the path as well as the end result.

I also love that this project creates community. From the hundreds of fans on Facebook to the dozens of text submittals to the network that is already spreading around the world, the Skywheel is creating a safe forum in which people can contribute thoughts on their personal spiritual experiences as well as learn about those of other cultures.

As the project enters its second phase, I look forward to witnessing the shaping of this satellite and its vision as I move forward on my own artistic trajectory.

Please visit www.skywheel.org to learn more about this exciting endeavor.


Ms. Dewberry, an accomplished cellist, completed her DMA in Chamber Music Performance from UCLA in December 2005. She received her MM in Cello Performance from UCLA in June 2002 and her B.M. in Cello Performance from Western Michigan University in April 1998. She also holds a B.A. in French with a minor in Women's Studies and Philosophy.


Her website is www.carterdewberry.com

She may be contacted at carter@carterdewberry.com