Home Letters What Will Happen to Dennis, the Ailing Veteran?

What Will Happen to Dennis, the Ailing Veteran?


General Eric K. Shinseki (USA Ret.)

Secretary, Dept. of Veterans Affairs

Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. Secretary:

I have included a photo of Dennis, a Vietnam War era Veteran who is currently camping outside the VA on San Vicente Boulevard.

I spoke with him yesterday. He is waiting for the VA to perform a hernia operation. He is not sure how long the wait will be.

What happens to him if he survives the operation is unknown.

He has been camped out like this since last Monday.


If (Greater Los Angeles VA Director) Donna Beiter and her regime would show as much attention to Dennis who is here every day and night as they do to us during our three-hour Sunday Rallies (from 1 to 4), there would be no homeless Veterans outside the VA grounds, or in Los Angeles County.

Something is seriously wrong with this kind of abusive treatment. The least the VA could do is have a large tent to shelter Dennis and others in this condition.

Our Veterans’ property and the lives of thousands of Veterans are in extreme danger.

For this, we are not thankful.

Albert Einstein forewarned us that we cannot solve our problems with the same minds that created them.

Sir, give Veterans something to be thankful for, and respectfully:

a) terminate the top-level VA bureaucrats at the WLA VA, posthaste;

b) fully rescind the public park agreement with the wealthy Brentwood homeowner group, posthaste;

c) fund the establishment of a Veteran Stand Down on the Grand Lawn, posthaste;

d) implement the “Veterans' Grand Plan,” posthaste.

Robert L. Rosebrock
Director, Old Veterans Guard;
Director, Veterans Revolution;
Chairman, Veterans Affairs Committee, West Los Angeles Neighborhood Council.

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at rrosebrock1@aol.com