Home OP-ED The Conservative Corruption of Progressive Thought (Reprise)

The Conservative Corruption of Progressive Thought (Reprise)


[img]583|left|Eric L. Wattree||no_popup[/img]As one who always has tried to be progressive in his thinking, here are my observations on the contemporary progressive movement. I long have recognized that I do not corner the market on knowledge, wisdom or intellect. I share my thoughts not as a condescending edict handed down by a self-appointed pundit but in the hope that observations of an average man are worthy of public discussion.

The appropriate attitude for a progressive to bring to every discussion is firmness of thought and an open mind to divergent ideas. A progressive, by definition, should have the intellectual capacity to recognize that one neither can scream nor insult his way to a solution.

What should always set a progressive apart?

An affinity for humanity, independence of thought and a fierce determination to remain a seeker of truth regardless where it leads

Those values no longer matter to many progressives. They tend to possess the same rigidity of thought, mean-spirited, knee-jerk adherence to ideology that the progressive movement was created to combat. The response they bring to the slightest divergence from their ideological beliefs is radical reactionism.

That concerns me because while conservatives and today's so-called progressives remain completely divergent in their views toward governance, in intellectual disposition they have become different sides of the same coin. I often have heard it stated that the regimented intolerance of reactionary conservatism is reminiscent of Nazi Germany. If true, it must be acknowledged that the intolerant regimentation of contemporary radical “progressives” represents the USSR.

Many modern progressives have allowed themselves to become infected with the same intellectual rigidity we previously associated with the radical conservative mindset. They could accurately be called latter-day conservatives with slightly updated values. Their rigidity and rabid defense of those values will morph into the closed-minded conservatism of tomorrow.

This is the primary reason that the conservatives’ reckless campaign of rampant disinformation is winning the battle over reasoned and logical thought. These progressives have taken on the conservative mindset of anger before contemplation, reaction over reason. No one is left who is thinking. Everyone is reacting through anger, ignorance and disinformation, an environment where the Republican Party thrives. Every thinking person knows radical conservatism is reactionary by definition.

Progressives cannot out-scream the Republican Party. We should not try. The disinformation the GOP is disseminating must be met with facts, a thought-out plan of action, integrity and character.

We Have Not Banded Together

American people are not stupid. They desperately want these qualities in governance, but the progressive movement is not giving them a viable alternative. Regardless of intent, we are acting with as much thoughtless anger and reckless abandon as Republicans.

The problem is, we have not coalesced into a solid front with a clear, viable agenda. We have divided ourselves into factions with many different agendas. People no longer know what we represent. Too many of us don’t know what it means to be progressives.

We fail to understand that the primary goal of the progressive movement is to create a viable democracy that serves, respects, honors all people. Due to the destruction of our educational system, the corrupting influence of Republican governance over the past 20 years, and an irresponsible media, our ideals are merely a rumor up for debate for an entire generation of Americans.

Worse, and the subject of this contemplation, is this also is true of young people of the left who consider themselves progressives. They know their political orientation is liberal without realizing the difference is vast between being liberal and progressive. They approach our democracy as if it were a sporting event, our team against theirs.

Our Demise Lies Ahead

The progressive movement is much more than a synonym for left-wing liberalism. Progressives have served as America’s philosophers, intellectuals and conscience. True progressives do not see conservatives as the enemy. They understand liberals and conservatives play important roles in our society. They recognize both are necessary to maintain a balanced America. They understand that while there is a burning need for a Martin Luther King to remind America of its humanity, a Gen. MacArthur is needed to ensure our security.

The progressive movement is not so much a political ideology as a philosophical attitude towards human behavior. True progressives oppose an ideologue of any stripe. They will rank truth, logical thought and the interest of humanity priority over ideology. Regardless of how much he or she may admire a politician, he always will hold the politician accountable for truth, justice and fidelity to mankind.

I can cite an example in my personal life. I am a huge supporter of President Obama because I agree with more of his positions on public policy than I do with the Republicans. I have friends, and family who go crazy when I write a column critical of him, when I disagree with something he does or fails to do. They take the position that I am helping the Republican Party drag him down.

As a journalist and progressive, while I support Obama, it is not my job to censor information when in my opinion he has taken a position not in the best interest of the people (failing to follow the rule of law regarding the atrocities of war committed by the Bush administration, for example). Neither is it my job to protect Obama’s Presidency. That is his responsibility by making the right decisions.

A democracy can remain viable by holding every politician’s feet to the fire. It does not matter how I feel about him personally. I am just concerned with what he does to or for the people.

That is what it means to be a progressive. It is disheartening to watch the corruption of an essential component of our political environment and the impact that its loss will have on American life. With the demise of a thriving progressive movement, power and political ideology in America take precedence over justice and the welfare of humanity.

This scenario only can lead to our destruction.

Eric L. Wattree is a writer, poet, and musician, born in Los Angeles. A columnist for The Los Angeles Sentinel, The Black Star News, a staff writer for Veterans Today, he is a contributing writer to Your Black World, the Huffington Post, ePluribus Media and other online sites and publications. He also is the author of “A Message From the Hood.”

Mr. Wattree may be contacted at wattree.blogspot.com or Ewattree@Gmail.com

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