Home Letters In Defense of Mandell

In Defense of Mandell


Re “Mandell Should Be Relaxing Now but He Can’t

What is the old motto? If it ain't broke, then break it and try to fix it?

Having been the chair of the Downtown Business Assn. DBA when Gary Mandell was brought in to produce the Summer Music Festivals in the Courtyard of City Hall.

I have watched the concert series grow from a few hundred people to more than City Hall’s Courtyard could handle.

Music is as subjective as art.

You probably will not like it all, but should find some you do. The concert series was originally designed to attract people into the “new” Downtown.

It worked.

It was intended to have those people shop in Downtown. It worked.

It was to be family and community oriented. That worked.

So now a new crew is deciding, with what appears to be no rational reasoning, to slash the concerts, change the decade-old day of event, and possibly remove one of the most successful promoters on the Westside.

Are we reverting to the old Steve Rose days?

I hope not.

I hope the Redevelopment Agency members are smarter than that.

For the benefit of the thousands who have enjoyed the music over the years…

Mr. Handal may be contacted at sgrest@aol.com