Home OP-ED Whores for Obama Morph Meanly into Idiots for Islam

Whores for Obama Morph Meanly into Idiots for Islam


No matter how many times I see the drill — the mindless, coldly obedient boys on the left dutifully lined up, single-file, like 10 little Indians, hair parted in the middle, gaze straight ahead — writing down exactly what they have been told to think by their betters from such noble organizations as the ACLU, NAACP, the Democratic National Committee and Planned Parenthood, it feels like a creeping disease.

You may recall the President Obama, who uses Republicans as strawmen in most of his speeches, heavily demonized Minority Speaker of the House John Boehner in both major speeches last week, in Milwaukee and Cleveland. His blindly loyal acolytes predictably took their cue. Like clockwork, on A-1 of The New York Times yesterday, Swish’s favorite journalistic footstool produced a lengthy piece attacking Mr. Boehner as a conniving, unethical tool of lobbyists.

Nary one independent thinker stirs among the left. Else, he would be banned for life.

Those who disagree with the left are not permitted to hold an opposing opinion. They are plastered, volubly and repeatedly, as evil racists.

Look, Ma, It’s a Media Miracle

Did you find it as remarkable as I that one memorable day last month the word went out from the headquarters of the left that the deliberately provocative Ground Zero mosque, henceforth and forever more, was only to be identified in all media and all private references as:

“the Islamic community center near Ground Zero”?

No deviations would be brooked.

The mercurial and seamless pivot by every left media outlet was breathtaking.

Like the next morning.

“Ground Zero mosque” was converted into an instant relic, as laughingly old-fashioned as traveling cross-country by pony.

Overnight, the word reached every leftward media member.

Truly, this was a miracle of mammoth proportions, analogous to Lindbergh’s solo flight in 1927. The only two references in the United States I could find of the “Ground Zero mosque” as a naked formulation were the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post.

In the slickest 24 hours since Swish told President Bush to make himself permanently scarce the day after the ’08 election, the nationwide media chorus of Whores for Obama transformed themselves into Idiots for Islam.

Just as the insecure media Whores have branded all who disagreed with Swishie the last two years as racists, so now they said everyone who believed the devious Barking Imam and his crooked backers obviously were being calculatedly provocative was anti-Muslim.

Everyone Line up Behind Me

You say you are against the Ground Zero mosque? You, sir, are a despicable person.

The New York Times led, and all the sheep, including the lamb-like Los Angeles Times, fell into immediate, heel-clicking step.

It became the rage — all together now — “overnight.”

The news pages and op-ed sections of the nation’s most influential newspapers turned themselves into instant Islamic bootlickers.

The epitomic illustration of shameless bootlicking by the left came Saturday morning in the L.A. Times.

In an editorial that was labeled as a news story on the cover page of the community section — after they had condemned Israel again and just before they issued their latest horsewhippings of Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina — the Times ignominiously observed the anniversary of Sept. 11.

Instead of mourning the historic tragedy — as we do on Dec. 7, Memorial Day, Nov. 11 — the Times did what the Times does best, explode in a vulgar screed.

Being mature left-wing reporters, Mitchell Landsberg and Geraldine Baum said in their opening sentence that “critics of the Ground Zero mosque” was an intellectually unacceptable construct. Users of the phrase inarguably were anti-Islamic.

And so we are offered another breezy argument from the left:

Agree with me, and we can compromise. If you disagree, you are a bigot.

Wasn’t it wonderful, the two useful idiots from the L.A. Times swooned, that moderate Muslims — possibly the first time in history those words have been employed adjacent to each other — have responded so mildly, so American-ly to the bigots on the right who hate Muslims for no reason at all? Playing willfully into the hands of their sponsoring Islamic provocateurs, the spongy reporters devoted five paragraphs early in their story to their mental spouse, the pastor in Florida.

The two useful idiots fittingly conclude with a predictable theme. They quoted a moderate Muslim.. He told the Times, defiantly, that Muslims should not have to defend themselves. Their gleaming purity should be obvious, even to the blind haters on the right.