Home OP-ED Warming up for Sunday’s Next Veterans’ Rally at the Home

Warming up for Sunday’s Next Veterans’ Rally at the Home


[Editor’s Note: A tireless campaigner for many years for the fundamental rights of America’s military veterans, always supported by numerous photos, Mr. Rosebrock writes for veterans’ publications. He has been a leader of and a fixture at every-Sunday rallies at the veterans’ National Home in Brentwood.]

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans:

The persecution of America's Veterans continues.

This Sunday's 127th consecutive Rally and major press conference will address many issues regarding the abuse of Veterans’ land and homeless Veterans.

Please show up. This is one Sunday you will not want to miss.

We will keep you posted on the extensive list of prominent speakers.

Semper Fidelis.

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at RRosebrock1@aol.com
