Home OP-ED Cough, Cough. Evaluating, Ahem, the State of Newspapers in Culver City

Cough, Cough. Evaluating, Ahem, the State of Newspapers in Culver City


Now I fully understand Culver City politics. Took me awhile. Politicians control the Culver City print newspapers. See no evil, hear no evil, write no evil.

Oct. 26, 2009.

Culver City News has another editor, third in less than a year. Judith M-S and I had an awkward dealing. Scott T. and I never had the opportunity to meet. Now Scott B., whom I met at the July 26, 4043 Irving Pl. meeting. We were all in the hallway when Scott B. introduced himself to a female reporter (Could it be Lynne B. of C.C. Observer?). I overheard their conversation (I was standing less than five feet away), and I heard the mention of Ari Noonan. Of course, my interest peeked since thefrontpageonline.com is the only true news media in Culver City. I stated that I knew Mr. Noonan. I politely introduced myself, and then said “excuse me” to go back inside.

The following edition of The News had no mention of the 4043 CCCRA $6 million done deal. I am not sure if the Observer had anything in it, either. Can someone out there help me out with that one? But thefrontpageonline.com Do I need to say more? But in all fairness, it was buried in a School Board article. Hey, nobody’s perfect.

July 27, 2010.

During a debate over funding nine “moderate” and three “low-income” housing units proposed for 4043 Irving Pl., Mayor Armenta successfully sought a two-week delay on a final vote.

With Councilman Andy Weisman having recused himself, the four remaining members indicated they would approve the plan next month. There was a measure of confusion over whether city funds were underwriting the apartment-like homes. It was explained that housing set-aside money, targeted specifically for these types of homes, was being used. The city is obligated to utilize the funds or risk losing them.

Aug. 10, 2010.

Neighbors alternately questioned the funding sources (significantly with government-mandated monies), *Mr. Gonzales’ professional legitimacy, Mr. Gonzales’ and Mr. Mitsanas’s history, inspection of past projects, fears about the various rent levels, and worst of all, a fear that the project will turn into a fiscal disaster that will redound on City Hall. *(There is more to the sources than meets the eye. Will discuss this in another article.)

Observer, Aug.12-18, 2010, Letters to Editor:

Excerpt: I was dismayed to learn the outcome of the vote regarding approval of the proposed development at 4043 Irving Pl. The decision to subsidize this project that will primarily serve middle-income people doesn’t make sense. There are so many who don’t earn enough to be able to afford to live in Culver City. These are the folks we should be supportive of with public funds. M.L. C.C.

Excerpt: I invite any City Council member to explain what the city or its citizens gained by giving away its land to private developers. That is essentially what the Redevelopment Agency (aka City Council) did on Aug. 9 when it voted to use $6million of affordable housing funds to assist the troubled development at 4043 Irving Pl. T. K. C.C.

Full feature, “Agency Approves Affordable Housing Project,” Lynn B., Observer reporter.

Culver City News.
Excerpt: Never heard of 4043 Irving Pl. Is that in California?

Culver City News should change its name to Culver City No News Is Good News.

I was informed by one of my running mates during my School Board candidate days last year that no one reads thefrontpageonline.com

At one of the forums, I asked a City Councilman if he read thefrontpage? He assured me that he did, but only when it had articles about himself. That struck home with me because that is exactly how I felt. Back then, I had several articles.

When the last meeting for the done deal at 4043 was staged, a member of the developers’ party mentioned quote for quote an excerpt from my exclusive article in thefrontpageonline.com After the meeting, I approached the young gentleman and gave him a quick course in the etiquette of acknowledging the author of any article you quote. I asked him his opinion of the article. He said it was okay. Maybe he was being polite.

Most Culver City citizens, like most baby boomers, are stuck in a time warp. They probably are 10 years behind the progress curve. They are from the paper generation while the rest of the world is going electronic.

I’m no different. I read my morning paper, cover to cover, over coffee. Culver City No Newspaper and Observer After the Fact News fill in that void for local news not covered in the Times.

Too bad they do not realize the disservice they provide by not really covering the real issues, such as the $6 million 4043 lottery. I have an idea that will cut the cost of elections for public office dramatically. Right now the elections are won only by the deep pockets machines. Do not believe for a minute that the 4043 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ did not find its way to the machines.

The politicians know the hand that feeds them.

Attn. Mr. “Z”: Can the City Council, aka CCRA, be prosecuted for plagiarism? Any lawyers in the house? That’s another story. 4043 unraveling the maze. Getting there, coming soon.

Mr. Abrams may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com