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A Glorious Day to Hate and ReHate


Surely few would disagree with the assertion that the state of Israel is the most deliberately misunderstood plot of land on earth.

The latest example is ripped from the first sentence of this morning’s Jerusalem dispatch on page 3 of the Los Angeles Times by new bureau chief Eddie Sanders.

Describing yesterday’s decision by the Jerusalem City Council to demolish 22 Arab homes built without the proper city permits in East Jerusalem, Mr. Sanders inaccurately noted that Israel had “seized” East Jerusalem in 1967 during the Six-Day War.

No, they did not. Mr. Sanders knows they did not.

If the Mexican government had “seized” East Los Angeles in 1948 the way five Arab armies “seized” East Jerusalem in 1948, when Los Angeles was able to regain the territory, you would say they annexed it or they regained, not “seized,” a verb meaning it was achieved against the will of the people.

East Los Angeles belongs to us, not Mexico. East Jerusalem belongs to Israel, not out-of-town Arab hooligans.

I am amazed more by the day how many people virulently hate Jews because. Well, just because.

The diatribe that the Times conducts against Jews when Arabs say they have been offended amounts to a journalistic holy war. The ladies and gentlemen at the Times quiver under the desk, Ted Cooke-style, when Arabs say their sensitivities have been fouled by the very presence of Jews because the left-wing journalists fear the wrath of Muslim jihad coming down upon their exposed building.

Proud to Make Jews Submit

Their third editorial this morning — “Yeah, we bullied those darned, smart, ubiquitous Jews into surrendering to the will of the international community” — is a tobacco-stained wheeze the newspaper has published several hundred times before.

Jerusalem announced, on Sunday, that it was going to relax its eminently fair blockade of the terrorist-run, terrorist-inhabited Gaza Strip, a mostly filthy stretch of land where wash cloths never are the order of the day.

The Times danced a jig today because the “international community” hammerlocked Israel.

Who is the “international community”? Which set of thugs — the peace-loving, Jew-respecting leaders of Turkey, Syria, France, Saudi Arabia, Russia? Name them, please.

Thinking once again in puerile schoolboy terms, the Times editorialized that because Israel is (mostly?) folding its blockade against the sneaking in of weapons, “this will help alleviate the misery of 1.5 million Palestinians.”

A splendid example of politically correct delusional left-wing thinking.

This is a lie of mammoth proportions that Jew-haters withdraw from their handiest vest pockets whenever they need to klop the Israeli government over its thick head.

Squalor has been the Arab government-designated order of lifestyle for these uneducated, powerless, hopeless Arab wretches since Arab powers began transferring the weakest among them to this desolate strip more than sixty years ago. Deeply committed Jews, in later years, moved to Gaza. Presto, being ambitious, Jews made the soil bloom. Five years ago, the Jewish population was driven out by its own government, quite against its will. Joyful Arab terrorists said “When the Jews leave, we will have peace.” That was for English language consumption. In Arab tongues, they vowed permanent jihad.

Pick up the reliably dishonest Times 20 years from today. I guarantee, pal, you will read about “the misery of 1.5 million Palestinians.”

That is, you only will read about it if the Smiling Dwarf who runs Iran, and is vigorously backed by President Obama, hasn’t destroyed the state of Israel, which he regularly promises.