Home Editor's Essays They Embarrassed Decent People: Ridley-Thomas, Zany Zev and Goofy Gloria

They Embarrassed Decent People: Ridley-Thomas, Zany Zev and Goofy Gloria


[img]1|left|Ari Noonan||no_popup[/img]Like a diapered toddler who mindlessly wanders into blur-fast traffic, bandwagon politicians sometimes cannot help themselves.

When a bandwagon comes to town, undisciplined politicians act like a drunk who has just been served a case of ice-cold beer.

You may as well have voted for Lassie. The dumb movie dog would have made more thoughtful decisions when it comes to the fly-attracting Arizona immigration law.

When a steaming hot topic — such as the vanilla plain Arizona anti-illegal immigrant law — streaks across the country, addicted politicians exchange their regular breakfasts for a mouthful of I’m Gonna Be a Hero and I Can’t Wait pills.

They are the political version of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Upon reflection, they are not.

A.A. members ackowledge they have a painful weakness. Bandwagon politicians are not nearly that insightful.

They resemble an addict who just has been promised a fresh re-load.

Smiling toothily in a losing battle to hide the drool, bandwagon politicians rub their greasy palms together. Eyes rolling, they anticipate the thundering cheers of the oh-so-liberal bandwagon yahoos before running off to the office to sell their souls.

Yesterday, the horridly misguided soul sellers at the County Board of Supervisors who committed an act of unremitting ignorance were:

Mark Ridley-Thomas plus the King and Queen of Supervisorial Stupidity, Zev Yaroslavsky and Gloria Molina. All of them deserve to have a stale, smelly pie thrown into their faces.

They voted to approve an economic boycott of Arizona because they think the law might catch Mexican illegals — like the one who murdered star student Jamiel Shaw II — instead of allowing the illegal aliens to roam like a drinker with a buzz on. Great judges of character, you guys are.

Mr. Ridley-Thomas, who unaccountably suffered a brain cramp, is one of the smartest people I know. Perhaps the smartest.


How he could have fallen for this fool’s errand is not apparent to me. He is the first intelligent person I know of who has publicly stood against this eminently sensible law that I will wager no Los Angeles politician has read.

I know Mr. Ridley-Thomas has not. If he had, he would not have cast such a ragingly foolish vote unless a gun had been aimed at his head.

Mr. Yaroslavsky and Ms. Molina are marginally ignorant. They think that if illegal Mexicans are pouring through the border, like river rats, the police should be chasing fat, pregnant Chinese grandmothers. This is why some politicians correctly are labeled whores, as in Whore Yaroslavsky and Whore Molina.

Mr. Ridley-Thomas probably is more erudite than their families put together, or better yet, strung together.

What is so galling about Mr. Ridley-Thomas’s vote is that it was the pivotal one. Had he voted his normal conscience, the Board of Sups could have prevented themselves from looking like drunks staggering home, slurring and disheveled, at 3 in the morning.

Only Supervisors Don Knabe and Mike Antonovich voted sensibly. The other three should be taken out behind the woodshed.

Mr. Ridley-Thomas made an absolutely disingenuous statement after voting:

“It is from a position of strength that I chose to take the position I have, respectfully.”

That sentence smells like a piece of year-old bologna retrieved from the bottom of a wishing well.
