Home Editor's Essays Two Obsequious Journalists Fall in Love with a Jew Hater

Two Obsequious Journalists Fall in Love with a Jew Hater


[img]1|left|Ari Noonan||no_popup[/img]Three weeks ago this afternoon, hours before the Times Square bomber was captured, Los Angeles Times columnist Patt Morrison expressed the hope on her 89.3 FM radio program that the culprit would be a right-wing militia member.

This prompted a question whose answer must wait for another day:

Why would a putatively sound American, liberal though she may be, wish that a fellow American had tried to kill thousands of other Americans when Middle Eastern Muslims have engineered more than 99 percent of this century’s terrorist acts?

Unscrambling that peculiarly slanted “reasoning” could keep a Coliseum full of therapists occupied all summer.

Therefore, I was not surprised when the fluffy-thinking Ms. Morrison, dazzled as if she were a schoolgirl interviewing a leading man actor, produced an adoring, wide-eyed interview in Saturday’s Times with one of the most notorious Muslims in Los Angeles.

Mention the hateful Salam al-Marayati’s name to knowledgeable Jews in the community and they will cringe, as if struck by a bucket of ice cubes.

Ineptly, Ms. Morrison served him 23 powder puff questions. Most were ignorantly formulated. It was as if she were a visiting Martian who had heard vague rumors of terrorism and hailed the first person she found to enlighten her.

Ms. Morrison conducted herself as stupidly and as irresponsibly as a garden hoe in a blizzard. The breathless girl was overwhelmed.

Here she was interviewing a heavyweight hater, a defender of terrorists, and this was her jackpot question:

“Should we also talk about, say, Christian terrorism, like the man who murdered Dr. George Tiller?”

There may be a balmier boobette haunting the Times building, but I would rather not meet her.

A useful fact about Mr. al-Marayati:

On Sept. 11, he appeared on KCRW-FM’s “Which Way, L.A.?” When asked if he had any idea who was at the core of the well organized massacre, he said, reliably, the Jews, of course.

“If we’re going to look at suspects, we should look to the groups that benefit the most from these kinds of incidents. I think we should put the state of Israel on the suspect list because I think this diverts attention from what’s happening in the Palestinian territories so that they can go on with their aggression and occupation and apartheid policies.”

While researching the vulgar record of the anti-Semitic Mr. al-Marayati, I came across an interview he did on March 14 with the apparent male version of Pitty-Patt Morrison, one Tony Valdez of Channel 11.

Heavy emphasis on the surname.

Coincidentally, Mr. Valdez also was awestruck to find himself in the company of a seething Jew hater. With cultural compliance that would have embarrassed his mother, the kowtowing I Am a Victim, Too said that as a “minority” himself, by golly he understood what it was like to be victimized by the majority population.

The fawning interviewer’s conduct was just as nonsensical as Ms. Morrison’s.

Amazingly, Mr. Valdez is no kid, just a standard issue practicing victocrat, as Larry Elder calls whining wannabee victims. Mr. Valdez enthusiastically humiliated himself. He committed self-flagellation, just as zealously as Ms. Morrison did.

These two older journalists carried obsequiousness to unprecedented depths. Both worried throughout about even remotely offending the tender sensitivities of the dime-store Jew hater.

Why? We can only speculate.

Were they worried that if they nettled Mr. al-Marayati they would be targeted, somehow punished, by Muslim terrorists, who are not known for their tolerance of differences with the unconverted?

Are they philosophical soulmates of Mr. al-Marayati who concur with his Jew-spewing?

I do not know.

What infuriates me most is the number of unassuming Angelenos who were nastily deceived by their unethical delusional behavior.

Next: We will further explore Mr. al-Marayati and his duped (?) accomplices.