Home A&E Middle School Curtain Goes up Saturday on ‘Darn Yankees’

Middle School Curtain Goes up Saturday on ‘Darn Yankees’


The all-new Culver City Middle School Musical Theatre Production will mark its debut with “Darn Yankees” performances to be held at 7 o’clock on Saturday evening and at 3 o’clock on Sunday afternoon at the Robert Frost Auditorium.


“Darn Yankees” was chosen to be Panther Partners’ premiere production because the story highlights the journey of the “everyman,” and it provides an ideal ensemble piece that focuses on building camaraderie and trust.

The musical theatre program is a vehicle designed to help the students work through the transitional period of middle school by assisting in them developing social skills, team building, problem solving, confidence and community.

Starting a theatre program from the ground up at the Middle School has been a challenge that was made possible by engaging a professional team to bring it to fruition.

Diane Feldman, the director, musical director and co-producer, is hardly novice to musical theatre. She has been creating such productions for students for 25 years in and around Culver City.

Ms. Feldman has been the driving force behind a dynamic training program, as well as bringing the organizational muscle and fortitude necessary to build an ambitious project.

If you recognize the name, it may be because Ms. Feldman is the founder/artistic and musical director of the Children’s Civic Light Opera, the longest established, most-comprehensive youth theatre company in Los Angeles.

Why She Is Participating

She volunteers hours long beyond her paid time to make it happen for the Middle School because, she says:

“Middle school is one of the most challenging, yet most empowering times in a young person's growth and development. As mentors, we need to help young people self-celebrate. Musical theatre, when managed professionally, offers unique learning opportunities in an activated, inspiring, educational, collaborative, non-competitive, engaging and dynamic environment.”

Diana Kunce is also a key person in the production. A parent volunteer, co-producer and set designer, she has worked alongside Ms. Feldman for years at Westwood Charter School’s musical theatre program. When her daughter transferred toCulver City Middle School , she brought along her ideas and vision. A professional production designer by trade, she volunteers almost fulltime to steer this production.

Ms. Kunce said this program has been an essential part of community building and growth for what she says is an amazingly talented, dynamic and hard working team of students.

Another important part of the teaching team is the choreographer Courtney Bradshaw. She has worked professionally as a Choreographer for 12 years, and she created the Musical Theater Production Workshop at Farragut Elementary.

Ms. Bradshaw leads the ensemble in the large dance and singing production numbers as well as working with groups of cast members on their dance sequences.

“When Diana Kunce approached me to start this at the Middle School, I thought, ‘How are we going to raise the money?’” said Bonnie Wacker, president of Panther Partners at the Middle School. “I said ‘wow, that is a lot of work.’

“But, through her sheer determination and the great support from Principal Jon Pearson and Assistant Principal Rick Barclay, it’s all coming together. The process of creating a theatre production is more involved and demanding than I ever thought. I’m learning right along with the students. I am thrilled to be part of the non-profit organization behind its beginning. We encourage and accept any donations to the program.”

Ms. Wacker said the group was able to raise about $15,000 through parent donations, the Jogathon fundraiser and a grant from the Culver City Education Foundation for $1,500.

However, this was just a portion of the $20,000 the group really needed to put on the production. Ms. Wacker said the production was saved by a donation of lighting, sound, costumes and props from Janice Pober and Scott Valentine at Sony Pictures Entertainment.

Last Chance

In addition to the weekend public shows, a special performance will be done for Middle School students at an assembly on Monday.

Tickets are available for purchase online via PayPal at web.me.com/senis/DarnYankees/ticketsales.html

For ticket information, call 310.391.1827 or email darnyankeesplay@gmail.com

For production information, Diana Kunce may be contacted at kunce@verizon.net