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What is Going on in City Hall? Here Is a Lengthy Peek


[Editor’s Note: Issued to city officials and staffers on Friday, here is the first in a series ofcomprehensive bi-weekly updates on City Hall activities that Interim City Manager Lamont Ewell will deliver.]

City Council Bi-Weekly Update

City Manager’s Office

• Mayme A. Clayton Library and Museum — The City Manager and staff have met with Dr. Cynthia Hudley, Interim Executive Director of the Mayme A. Clayton Library and Museum (MLCM), and have toured the facility. Dr. Hudley has indicated an interest in a long term sublease of the property, which the city currently leases from the County of Los Angeles. Staff has requested more information from Dr. Hudley about how the MLCM plans to operate in addition to its short and long-term goals.

• Lt. Curtis Massey I-10 Freeway Segment Renaming —Staff has been informed that the portion of the I-10 Freeway, which was initially proposed to be renamed after Lt. Curtis Massey, has already been dedicated in honor of Rosa Parks. Therefore, the new Lt. Massey dedication sign is now being proposed for the Overland Avenue overpass, on the eastbound side of the I-10 Freeway.

• 2010 U.S. Census – To date, 74 percent of Culver City residents have completed and returned their U.S. Census questionnaires. This statistic compares somewhat favorably to a 67 percent average response rate in neighboring jurisdictions. U.S. Census employees will be going door to door from May 8 to July 15 to help insure residents respond to the questionnaires.

• Assembly Committee Hearing — [Friday], Councilmember Weissman testified at the Investigative Hearing on Oil Drilling and Production Hazards, hosted by the Assembly Committee on Environmental Safety & Toxic Materials in Hermosa Beach. He will be sharing information about the city’s experience with regards to oil drilling in the Baldwin Hills and will include suggestions on how the state can assist local entities in providing better oversight and regulation of oil drilling operations. This Committee will be hosting a subsequent hearing in the Mike Balkman Council Chambers on May 14 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. This hearing will focus on the Baldwin Hills oil drilling and may include Speaker Emeritus Bass and Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, among others. Councilmember Weissman plans to provide testimony at that hearing as well.

Community Development Department

Baldwin Hills Community Standards District (CSD) — Staff is working with the City Attorney’s office on the review of Plains Exploration & Production Company’s (PXP’s) oil drilling plans and the County’s implementation plan for drilling activities in the Baldwin Hills oil field. The city is in negotiations with the County and PXP over the settlement of the city’s lawsuit.

(SB 97/AB 32) Greenhouse Gas Emissions and CEQA — Pursuant to SB 97 — The State Office of Planning and Research (OPR) is amending CEQA guidelines to include the requirement to analyze greenhouse gas emission impacts for development projects subject to CEQA. CEQA guidelines pertaining to Greenhouse Gases went into effect in January 2010. Staff is exploring the option to prepare and cost out a Climate Action Plan, which would assist the city in fulfilling the requirements of CEQA as well as AB 32 (Global Climate Change).

West Los Angeles College (WLAC) — Staff is negotiating with WLAC over the city’s concerns with the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report. WLAC has agreed to extend the review period and work with the city to address concerns.

Mobile Home Ordinance — Staff is coordinating a review of draft ordinance.

Wireless Telecommunication Facilities – Staff is updating submittal requirements to insure compliance with federal time limits for review.

5680 Sawtelle Blvd. – An Administrative Use Permit application was filed for a wireless telecommunication facility (T-Mobile). Staff is working with the applicant on potential alternative sites that may move the site away from the abutting residential neighborhood.

Washington National Transit Oriented Development (TOD): Public Works and Redevelopment are preparing a roadway improvement plan (i.e. bike lanes, crosswalks, turning lanes, etc.), an infrastructure study (i.e. water, sewer, gas) and a streetscape inventory (street lights, benches, and sidewalks) for the TOD area.

• 8770 Washington Boulevard (at National Boulevard) — EMC Development Co. submitted revised preliminary plans for the proposed TOD mixed use project consisting of 115 residential units, 44,530 sq. ft. of commercial space and 9,500 sq.ft. of public open space. Staff met with the developer, architects and traffic consultant to discuss traffic, roadway and planning and design comments. The applicant will be hosting a community meeting in May or June as part of the application process.

12517 Washington Blvd.: The Crest House – The Administrative Use Permit for outdoor dining was approved on Feb. 16, 2010, pending final inspection.

6221 Bristol Parkway: Fox Hills Plaza – The building permit plans are under review regarding the proposal to remodel the exterior façade of the shopping center, which includes Marshalls and CVS Drug Store as its major tenants. Additional improvements will include new signage, increased landscaping, handicap parking and trash enclosures. Preliminary plan check review completed. Awaiting submission of revised plans for final approval.

• 12565 Washington Blvd. — The Administrative Use Permit for outdoor dining for a new restaurant at the former Cora’s restaurant site is currently under review.

• Bond Analysis — Staff and Agency Bond Counsel have completed a bond analysis that provides guidance on how to operate the Ince Parking Structure in the future. The analysis also recommends the Agency Board consider analyzing the possibility of issuing a taxable bond to pay off the tax-exempt bond balance as a means of avoiding regulations associated with operating the Ince parking structure.

• United States Post Office — Staff has been working with the United States Post Office to dispose of the Post Office located at 9942 Culver Bkvd. through an RFP process.

• Ivy Substation/Welcome to Culver City Sign — Public Works has reported that there is lighting infrastructure for the sign. Public Works staff may have to rework the infrastructure and is planning to address this issue as soon as their schedule allows. The Redevelopment Agency will incur the cost for the work and will monitor this issue.

• Art of Speaker Series — The next Art of Speakers Series will be the “Art of Royal/T” featuring collector and philanthropist Susan Hancock on May 19. Staff has completed preparation of all the marketing materials and has the launched the publicity.

• ARTWALK Culver City – Thirty-eight galleries and exhibition spaces will participate in the fifth annual event, which will occur on Saturday, June 5, from 12 noon to 8 p.m. Marketing partners include Sony Pictures Entertainment, KCRW, LA Weekly and The MOCA Contemporaries of the Museum of Contemporary Art. Staff is continuing to market the event, build the gallery guide and plan the production elements. This event is funded through the city’s Art in Public Places Fund.

• Culver City Music Festival — The Festival is set for Thursday nights between July 8 and Aug. 26. Staff is currently working on the sponsorship campaign, which offers marketing opportunities to businesses. This series is funded by the Culver City Redevelopment Agency.

• St. Augustine Church’s application for renovation/remodel — St. Augustine’s Church first submitted an application on July 28, 2008. Staff has worked with the applicant throughout the planning process. On Oct. 12, 2009, Public Works staff informed the applicant that staff would approve the plans once the applicant has provided the required forms for the Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan and the local Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan.

• Parcel B: 9300 Culver Blvd. – On May 17, the Agency Board will 1) evaluate various alternatives for the future of the site; 2) consider temporary use alternatives for vacant Agency-owned properties at that time; and 3) may be asked to consider allowing a theatrical circus entertainment group to utilize the site.

• The Turning Point School – The school acquired an adjacent property, which adds 14,000 square feet to their complex. The school expansion is at the rough stage.

• Sprouts Farmer’s Market — Sprouts’ tenant improvements are underway at the old Circuit City site. • Waterloo & City — The renovations at this site (location of old Crest House restaurant) are almost complete.

Fire Department

• Emergency Operations Center (EOC) — The Emergency Operations Center, at Fire Station #1, is fully functional and ready for activation. All EOC positions have been identified and assigned. EOC training will be held for essential EOC staff, City Council members, and City Manager in the near future.

• ICIS Activity — Acting Fire Chief Sellers was in Washington D.C., April 27-29, as part of a small contingency of ICIS city representatives who are seeking Federal appropriations to purchase an additional microwave path for network enhancement. The path will provide redundancy and make the network less vulnerable to failure while providing additional network capacity for expansion. This project directly affects Culver City, as currently the city relies on a single path of microwave and is potentially vulnerable to a single point of failure.

• Fire Station #3 — The Public Works Dept. is in the process of finalizing a City Council staff report for May 10 regarding an amendment with RTI consulting for continued construction management services to close the construction. The work will take approximately 8 weeks to complete, at which time the physical move from the old Fire Station #3 to the new facility will be addressed.

• ISO Public Protection Classification — The Department continues to work toward satisfying the requirements to maintain its Insurance Services Office (ISO) Public Protection Classification (PPC) rating of Class 1. We are anticipating, and preparing for a site visit in June.

Human Resources

• City Manager Recruitment – The filing period for the City Manager recruitment will close on Friday, April 30. Paul Kimura, from Avery and Associates, has indicated that there are 44 resumes received and more expected prior to closing. A discussion regarding the resumes received and the anticipated interview process is scheduled for closed session on Monday, May 3.

• Fire Chief Recruitment — The filing period for the promotional (in-house) Fire Chief recruitment will close on Friday, April 30. We have received 2 resumes and expect at least 1 more prior to closing. The tentative interview date is scheduled for Thursday, May 20. Discussion regarding the resumes and the anticipated interview process is scheduled for closed session on Monday, May 3.

Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department

• Unauthorized Paddle Tennis Tournament — Staff received a citizen complaint regarding unpermitted paddle tennis tournaments being promoted and held in the city by the U.S. Paddle Tennis Assn. Recreation staff intervened and shut down the tournament. At this time the Recreation Division is working with the Executive Director of the U.S. Paddle Tennis Assn. to move ahead with any possible future tournaments, with the understanding that all of the city requirements must be met beforehand.

• Park Bond Funded Capital Improvement Projects — PRCS recently received approval from the City Manager’s Office to move forward with PRCS-initiated capital improvement projects funded by State Bond grants. Three (3) Prop. 40-funded projects were affected by the 2008 State Bond Fund “freeze”; discussions are now underway to resume/begin the following projects:

Little League Field Leveling Project — Due to an unexpected loss of outside matching funds, staff will now look towards any donations from the Little League and reduce that scope of the project in order to utilize the remaining funding in time to meet the most pressing grant deadline, which is Dec. 31, for the Prop. 40 Funds.

Veterans Memorial Park Playground Project — State Park Bond funds will be used to construct the play area for children ages 2 to 5 at Veterans Memorial Park. During Fiscal Year 2010-11, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds will be used to construct an ADA accessible path to the playground area.

Bill Botts Field Lighting Project – The contract was never fully executed, and staff is now discussing the prospect of going out to bid again for the project due to the lapse in time to implement this project.

Police Department

• Police Station Shooting Range — This renovation entailed bringing the facility into compliance with current codes and establishing a modern practice shooting range. The new range allows officers to receive a high level of training in a safe, controlled environment.

• Mobile Data Computers — Staff began the process of selecting and installing Mobile Data Computers (MDC) in all Emergency Response Public Safety Vehicles. Once online, this system will allow direct communication with the city’s dispatch center while simultaneously displaying each vehicle’s location on a map as well as the ability to complete reports from the field. The benefits of this system are significant, with the project being fully implemented by fall of this year.

Public Works Department

• Expo Light Rail — Public Works is involved in two activities related to the Expo LRT Project: 1) design review coordination and 2) construction coordination. For design review purposes, the project is divided into two segments within the city. The first segment is at National Boulevard and Expo’s Right-of-Way (ROW). The design for this segment is 100 percent complete. The second segment is the Venice/Robertson Aerial Station and Alignment. For this segment, Issue for Construction plans were submitted for city review on March 31, and city comments are due back to Expo during the week of April 26.

• AQMD Tree Planting Grant — The city has been awarded two grants through the Air Quality Management District (AQMD) for tree planting projects at the Culver City Dog Park and two areas of Culver City Park.

• Expired or Unwanted Medication Drop-Off — Beginning May 2010, Culver City residents will be able to safely dispose of their unwanted or expired medication in an environmentally friendly manner. A metal courier box will be installed in front of the Police Station for residents to deposit their unwanted medication.

• Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan — The Administrative Draft of the Master Plan is being reviewed by Public Works project staff for release to the Technical Advisory Committee the first week in May, to the Council-appointed Public Advisory Committee in late May.

• Safe Routes to School Grant — Under the PLACE grant, the city and consultants held a Safe Routes to School Workshop at Linwood Howe Elementary School on April 14. A consultant will prepare a Safe Routes to School application for the Linwood Howe area with city coordination. Additionally, the city plans to resubmit a revised Safe Routes to School application for the tri-school area near Culver City High School, Culver City Middle School, and Farragut Elementary School. In addition to the Safe Routes to Schools grant applications that the city is submitting, Public Works is also implementing other measures to increase safety near Culver City schools.

• Ballona Creek Bikeway Project – The Ballona Creek Bikeway Project involves a number of improvements to the path between Overland Avenue and the Pedestrian Bridge approximately 1,000 feet west of Overland Avenue, including: repaving of the bike path and installing a decomposed granite pedestrian path, a terraced retaining wall with landscaping, drought tolerant plantings, bioswales, enhanced fencing, lighting, emergency call boxes, security cameras, interpretive signage and a decorative gate. This section of the bike path is adjacent to the tri-school complex, and thus these improvements are expected to increase safety for school goers as well as the rest of the community.

• Transfer Station Update — In an agreement signed by the former City Manager, the city of Los Angeles will send approximately 4,000 tons per month of recycled material through Culver City’s Transfer Station, which will generate approximately $204,000 in revenue to the Sanitation Enterprise Fund, annually.

• Rubberized Sidewalks – The city is in the process of evaluating the benefits of rubberized sidewalks to combat the uneven surfaces that have developed due to uplifting caused by tree roots. The first installation will be done in front of the Culver City Plunge in a few weeks. The materials for this trial installation are being donated by a vendor who will also train city staff on proper installation techniques.


• Exposition Light Rail Local Contribution — As part of the city’s commitment to provide a local contribution of up to $4 million toward the construction of the Exposition Light Rail Venice/Robertson Station in Culver City, staff is now working with Metro to draft a funding agreement that details the federal-grant portion of the local contribution and the federal grant requirements that Metro/Expo will have to satisfy.

Mr. Ewell may be contacted at lamont.ewell@culvercity.org