Home News City Hall Asks T-Mobile for an Extension in Seeking Accord. A Response...

City Hall Asks T-Mobile for an Extension in Seeking Accord. A Response Is Awaited.


A long-awaited City Hall verdict on placement of a stormily controversial cell phone tower in south Culver City may be delayed beyond this month.

While anxious neighbors near the intersection of Stevens Avenue and Sawtelle Boulevard, fearful of threats to their health and welfare, hope for a solution within days, the Community Development Director told the newspaper that is unlikely.

“We have asked T-Mobile to reconsider” the April deadline for a ruling, Sol Blumenfeld said.

However, he added that T-Mobile, which plans to place a tower atop the Cash ‘n Carry retail stationery store, has not been efficient in responding to City Hall’s requests for data and findings. “Up to here,” he said, “they have taken their time in giving us information and reasoning that we requested.

Two alternate sites, neither far away but distant enough to make peace with the neighbors, have been considered and rejected by T-Mobile

Another site away from Cash ‘n Carry has been identified. City Hall presumes T-Mobile is investigating its attractiveness.