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A Moment of Silence or Huzzahs for the Demise of Acorn?


[img]1|left|Ari Noonan||no_popup[/img]Isn’t it fascinating that Acorn, possibly the most corrupt national community organization in America, held off the stunning announcement that it was disbanding until yesterday when the entire country was looking in the opposite direction?

Treasuries in various Acorn offices had been surreptitiously raided a thousand too many times, sending up the acrid odor of cunningly induced bankruptcy.

For three decades, Acorn has been a haven for race-centric, but otherwise guileless, low-flying young left-wing zealots.

Many, perhaps even most, of these unquestioning recruits genuinely sought to improve the lives of impoverished, under-educated blacks and whites hopelessly buried on the ugly periphery of society.

Gotta Feed the Baby

Generations of liberals in Congress ritually patted Acorn workers on their often-unsuspecting heads and channeled tens of millions of federal dollars into Acorn coffers, just the way the masters of Acorn had shrewdly calculated.

Acorn was as ethically filthy as the Mafia. Yet giddy American liberals, frequently touting the massive but often undefined good the community activists were doing, nearly went blind from wink-winking at them.

The foundational villain was Acorn’s morally seedy leadership. The white masters typically fingered edgy, corrupt-living blacks from middle-class backgrounds.

Reactively, brainstormers steadily fed the collapse with a slick two-tiered strategy:

Routinely, Acorn leaders/proselytizers staffed the nationwide offices with manipulable ne’er-do-wells who were too scared/grateful to resist even when they nakedly observed gross wrongdoing, and secondly, by regularly raiding Acorn tills from coast-to-coast.

The workers themselves seem to have been powerless pawns, dangling helplessly at the end of conniving strings jerked by their supervisors.

You Voted How Many Times?

Especially in recent years, Acorn workers deliberately committed enough voter fraud to put all of them in jail through their next three incarnations. They placed hundreds of thousands of phony names and dead appellations and multiples of the same name on voter roles in various elections, but especially when their instant icon, Swish Obama, ran two years ago.

Whether Acorn, cumulatively, did more good than harm appears still to be debatable.

Acorn’s inherent nationwide corruption was so weakly structured, it now is evident a toddler could have brought it down long ago — had he possessed the will.

Two bright young kids, essaying hardly any sophistication, struck the telling blow against Acorn last summer.

At the end, the two clean-cut kids designed a pretty awkward ruse that would have alerted normal people. They toddled into a few select Acorn offices dressed as a pimp and his whore. They found Acorn dupes or dupesters in each visit stunningly eager to help them carry out absurd illegal schemes.

By the time the young man and woman reached the top-rated Fox News Channel, Acorn desperately consulted the liberal dictionary for how to react when trapped. They responded by the script: The young boy and girl were nasty racists, Acorn charged. Yeah, let’s hear it for them nasty racists. Turns out they used the identical script that Georgia Congressman John Lewis resurrected last weekend, with the help of handy, pliable columnists, to help get healthcare reform squeezed through.

Like good little soldiers always at the ready, when Acorn was being humiliatingly exposed every night on television, the print generals in the army of Whores for Obama, the usual cadre of left-wing journalistic acolytes — the Times in New York, the Post in Washington, the Tribune in Chicago, the Inquirer in Philadelphia and the Times in Los Angeles — scrambled like rats in daylight to, first, hide the story and then to demean the undeniable findings.

By presenting themselves as human shields for pathetically exposed Acorn, the newspapers only prolonged the inevitable death-watch. They did not extend Acorn’s useful days because Acorn’s old protective cover had been blown.

Like all of those formerly cocky, undeniably innocent fellows who have walked to their prison executions, Acorn slithered into its smelly grave groveling yesterday, protesting that — all together now — “Them there right-wing racists, by cracky” — did the dastardly deed. We are innocent.

“It’s really declining revenue in the face of a series of attacks from partisan operatives and right-wing activist that have taken away our ability to raise the resources we need,” said an Acorn dandy known as Kevin Whelan said.

Bulging Bertha Lewis, CEO of Acorn, who says she now will have time for Mad Michelle’s obesity diet, stroked all three of her chins several times.

Now, whom can I blame? she asked after being grammatically corrected.

“Acorn has faced a series of well-orchestrated, relentless, well-funded right-wing attacks that are unprecedented since the McCarthy era,” she told the Associated Press. “The videos were a manufactured, sensational story that led to a rush to judgment and an unconstitutional act by Congress (to cut off funding).”

Last seen, Bulging was waving frantically out of the rear door of a truck en route to a sausage-making factory.