Home OP-ED Stepping Across the Threshold

Stepping Across the Threshold


[img]541|left|Carter Dewberry||no_popup[/img]I just stepped through my front door for the first time as a newly married woman.

Exhausted from the return drive from the mountains of Arizona and oh, so happy to have begun my legal partnership with my best friend, I want to write love poems and sing from my rooftop. 

However, as I threaten to collapse in mid-sentence, I will leave eloquence aside for the moment and just thank my life partner, Dennis, for being such an incredible and inspirational man. And I will write for next week of all that is running through my head and my heart.


Ms. Dewberry, an accomplished cellist, completed her DMA in Chamber Music Performance from UCLA in December 2005. She received her MM in Cello Performance from UCLA in June 2002 and her B.M. in Cello Performance from Western Michigan University in April 1998. She also holds a B.A. in French with a minor in Women's Studies and Philosophy.

Her website is www.carterdewberry.com

She may be contacted at carter@carterdewberry.com