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What Is Worse Than a Fatal Rocket Attack? An Insult, of Course


[img]1|left|Ari Noonan||no_popup[/img]Here is the flip side of the phony flap over 1,600 new apartments in Jerusalem that supposedly “insulted” the suddenly touchy President and Vice President of the United States, neither of whom has ever had a good word to say about Jews even when he was not being “insulted.”

Swish and his Chicago bully boys become shamelessly unmoored when an Israeli Jew burps. But when an Arab terrorist kills in Israel, they spin and walk away silently. This speaks tragically and volubly about the heart of the leadership of our country.

Last Thursday afternoon, while this fizzy-whipped dispute that, according to Washington and European capitals, has everyone over the age of 10 in a tempestuous tizzy, here is what happened in front of the whole world that was too distracted to be bothered:

While heartless, irremediably savage Jews busily were plotting to build 1,600 condos in an Orthodox neighborhood, those fun-loving, peace-craving terrorist boys who work for Hamas, Inc., in the Gaza Strip, pulled the trigger on another rocket. They sailed it into Israel and struck a bullseye, killing one person.

Why are Israelis habitually jittery? Because they have been living with Arab terrorist attacks every day for the 62 years of statehood. You never know at what hour they are coming or where they will land.

Last Thursday’s mostly ignored incident was the third rocket to land in the same part of southern Israel within 24 hours. This was the 30th rocket attack from Gaza terrorists in the 2 ½ months since the first of the year, immensely contextual data blissfully shunned by our dear friends at the Los Angeles Times. They made the rocket shot sound like a random motorcycle accident in the center of Porterville.

The Story Vanishes

It was a one-day story, played down at that. The story died faster than the blasted worker.

The world sniffed and looked away. Oh my golly, gee, Murgatroyd, when Israel announced the condos in an Orthodox neighborhood two weeks ago, arrogant, Jew-allergic Swish Obama grabbed a megaphone and announced, in the manner of the Pope, in all languages known to mankind, “I have been insulted.” Vice President Biden crudely grabbed away the megaphone and imaginatively called out, “Me, too.”

By contrast, when Israel’s blessedly decent partners in peace-seeking kill a body in Israel, Swishy blindly sighs, shrugs, hiccups and sways away.

Yet the whole diplomatic world went crazy a fortnight ago when Israel announced new condos in East Jerusalem. Imagine Sol Blumenfeld, the Community Development Director of Culver City, announcing 100 new apartments for a Culver City west neighborhood, and one of Swish’s thug pals, say, Raul Castro of Cuba, goes on television and bellows, “I have been insulted.”

At Least Swishy Is Happy

That is precisely how farfetched, how silly, how childishly Swish behaved when he pressed a button, and the leader of every country you could think of said in mellifluous unison, “We have been insulted, too, by these new ‘settlements’.”

Nine days later — not nine years — when thin-skinned Swish still was stirring an international pot of anger against Israel, Gaza terrorists kill a worker in Israel and thin-skinned Swish once again raises his arrogant chin above his forehead and swears, “I saw nothing.”

One more bitterly sweet irony remains.

Just as Israel welcomed a celebrated visit simultaneously when the condo announcement was made, one Lady Ashton, the highest ranking European Union official to visit Gaza since the Hamas terrorists seized control three years ago, arrived just before the killer rocket attack.

Evidently, leathery Lady is a tough old broad. The crime harmlessly bounced right off her stacked bouffant like a ping-pong ball.

Journalists asked the old broad what she made of the rocket assault.

Lady sniffed. (Doesn’t that sound like a line directly from “Lady and the Tramp”?)

She sniffed a second time. “I condemn all forms of violence,” the old broad said snippily, leaving journalists to presume whether that includes insulting Swish and his bully boys.