Home Letters Candidate Claims a Finding

Candidate Claims a Finding


Remember when I said the “fix” was in on all these endorsements for City Council?

That is, endorsements are already made, even before the Council candidates get to speak at an endorsement forum.

Case in point:

I mentioned that I knew Meghan Salhi-Wells and I had not gotten the endorsement from the Beverly Hills/Greater Los Angeles Assn. of Realtors when I overheard Jeff Cooper commenting to a voting board member about Sahli Wells, “…she's a nice lady, but if you read between the lines, you can tell she's a socialist…”

The endorsement forum for the Realtors was held on Feb. 24. Now when I took a look at Jeff Cooper's election financial statement, lo and behold, what do I immediately see but a $250 contribution to Jeff Cooper dated 2/6/2010, 18 days before the forum, from Daniel Cavanaugh of Cavanaugh Realty.

And who is Daniel Cavanaugh?

He just happens to be the lead voting member of the board that was to decide on who to endorse.

If that isn't a conflict of interest, I don't know what else to call it. The fix was in. I knew it ,and I think I just proved it.

I think Mr. Cooper should return any money that he got from Cavanaugh and the Realtors association because it smacks of the appearance of corruption to me.

What say you, Culver City voters?

Mr. Zirgulis may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com