Home OP-ED Bimbo Alert: Guess Who Is Skulking Away with Education Dollars?

Bimbo Alert: Guess Who Is Skulking Away with Education Dollars?


I wonder what the Culver City teachers who led their sin-free students by the nostrils out to the curb yesterday morning to play pliable puppet for their union bosses will think when they swallow Karen Bass’s latest gotcha scam.

What a brazen broad this bimbo is.

[img]795|left|Karen Bass||no_popup[/img]Fishy (Flim Flam) Bassy has got to be the dumbest woman north of a stone wall, although she could make it close.

Or perhaps she conducts herself disgustingly because she is bullet-proof at the ballot box. Obviously, she knows her sycophantic Westside supporters well enough to dare them to defy her.

Fishy is a sly dog. You may put the accent on either of the last two words.

While Culver City teachers yesterday were showing their pliable child puppets how to publicly, plausibly, wail for wallets, the sneaky Fishy (I Feel So Darned Dishonest Today) Bassy was stealing their education dollars for her own use.

As all of my Democrat friends know, Fishy Bassy, the most cunning black woman to hold the position, stepped down on Monday as Speaker of the Assembly. Being no lady, she flung the gavel to previously unknown Johnny Perez, who listed his world-class qualifications as being fat, being gay, being a cousin of Mayor I Love Me — and being an advocate of heterosexual marriage between or among Hungarians over the age of a hundred.

Less than a year after the Los Angeles Times, of all people, caught Fishy Bassy prowling through the shadows, handing out pay raises in debt-ridden Sacramento — forcing her to recant and rescind — this remarkably stupid woman repeated her bar-stool stunt.

Stunningly, the Sacramento Bee reported yesterday:

“Former Assembly Speaker Karen Bass quietly promoted 20 members of her Democratic caucus staff and gave them 10 percent salary increases that took effect her final days as Assembly leader.

“Along with higher pay, staff members received different job titles, reflecting perhaps a change in duties, Assembly records show.

“The pay hikes come at a thorny time, however, with the state facing massive debt and most state employees seeing their pay cut through furloughs.

“The Los Angeles Democrat approved the raises on Friday, her last week day as speaker.”

The outrageous arrogance of this barnyard bimbo would merit getting her rolled to the gutter if she were a respectable working woman instead of a morally corrupt Whore for Obama.

Not by bread alone can a bimbo survive, I believe, is the opening salvo from the revised edition of the Feminist Bible.

Fishy has no more business serving in Sacramento than does my left shoe, even if they are intellectual equals.

If the Democrat Party of Los Angeles County held a stitch of pride, it would finger the nincompoop who first nominated Fishy for the Assembly, and summarily dropkick him, or them, the length of a football field, headfirst into a garbage can. Closely followed by Fishy Bassy.

Alas, the bimbo torture of Westsiders is about to be extended.

Fishy has been named to succeed the retiring Big Noise from Nowhere in Particular, U.S. Rep. Diane Watson (D-Culver City), in Washington. This is a classic Democrat tactic: Perform like a bimbo on drugs in Sacramento, and get rewarded by being sent to Washington where you can poison a larger bowl of political soup.

Former Culver City Mayor Alan Corlin fairly erupted when he saw the Bee’s story. Said he:

“I am bitterly disappointed with Karen Bass.

“In my opinion no amount of ‘logic’ can explain away these pay raises in this time of cost cutting and austerity.

“She is out of touch with those who would blindly give their fealty to her.

“Indeed I believe she is out of touch with her entire constituency. This is the second time she has given increases in salary when the rest of us are tightening our belts. Where are those local voices who would question her actions?

“Where are those local voices who say they are at the vanguard of Democratic ideals?

“We deserve true politicians who will represent us honestly, humbly and with gratitude.”

Armed with this condemnatory ammunition, I hope the Culver City Democratic Club will suggest at next Wednesday’s meeting that Fishy Bassy’s likeness be mounted at Mount Slowmore, a space reserved exclusively for morally ugly politicians.