Home OP-ED What Happened to Healthcare Reform?

What Happened to Healthcare Reform?


Here are a couple of political limericks written by Robert Keating, a member of our Green Poets group in Santa Monica.

On Tuesday morning, I read to the group my “Sick Systems” poem, which this newspaper published, and Mr. Keating read some of his political limericks.

He has a website focused on the most corrupt administrations in U.S. politics www.mostcorrupt.com/Newsmaker-Limericks.html

I thought you might be interested in his verses:

Our healthcare reform hopes are sinkin'

With Landrieu and Nelson and Lincoln.

Their hard opposition

To real competition 

Has lobbyists everywhere winkin'.

Democracy loses its luster
When stick-in-the-muds filibuster.
A Senate bill dies
With 59 Ayes
If 41 Nays they can muster.

Dr. Hoult may be contacted at HOULTight@aol.com