Home Letters In Defense of Hordes of Red-Light Camera Violators

In Defense of Hordes of Red-Light Camera Violators


Re “Zirgulis and K. Silbiger Both Need a Nudge

I have to take issue with yesterday’s article in support of red light traffic cameras where you stated, “The camera-fed ($500) penalty is quite worthwhile, Mr. Zirgulis.”

You further stated, “I don't hear any drivers objecting (to the red light cameras).”

Ari, I invite you and all your readers to spend at least 15 minutes at the intersection of Jefferson and Overland. Listen to the comments of drivers who are mad as hell and won't take it anymore.

In addition, you stated, “A keen-eyed judge of my acquaintance, who has interviewed parades of creative candid camera drivers, said the boys and girls got religion by paying $500 and doing traffic school. Darned few second-time offenders, he found.”

Was he smoking loco weed?

Reporters at my first demonstration at Jefferson and Overland interviewed many drivers. Some have received up to five red light tickets.

How did they continue to get these tickets? Simple.

They are often forced to make a perilous choice of getting a red-light ticket or being hit from behind when going with the flow of traffic making a left hand turn.

If they stop to avoid the red-light camera, they can be hit in the rear quite easily.

You make the assertion that $500 tickets are the same all over California.

The California Vehicle Code specifies that the fine is $446 with all the assessments tacked on.

However, the city can circumvent this by administrating their own municipal ticketing. This would result in a potential $300 savings for the drivers.

Red-light cameras don't prevent major accidents.

Drunk drivers can't be stopped by red light cameras.

However, there are alternatives to red-light cameras.

Retired police Lt. Greg Smith told me that a simple radar detection device could be used to cause all lights at an intersection to go red when someone has run a light to avoid a T-bone collision.

Calibrating the length of yellow lights also can be more effective in the prevention of people running red lights.

The impersonal, cold efficiency of the red-light cameras don't take into account mitigating factors that might cause someone to go over the line by one inch and get the driver a $500 fine.

Is that fair?

Ari, I urge you to listen to both sides and re-examine your position.

Come and join me in the trenches (Mondays and Fridays, 4:30 to 6 at Jefferson and Overland).

See for yourself what these infernal red light cameras are doing to fleece working class stiffs and lining the pockets of the red light camera companies.

Mr. Zirgulis may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com

Ari Noonan comments:
Either we have stepped across the bridge into Fantasyland or Culver City houses some of the sloppiest drivers on the continent.

Five red light traffic camera tickets?

Either they are liars, alcoholics or escaped mental patients. Shame on you, Mr. Zirgulis, for believing them.

They couldn’t help themselves? Prisons are overflowing with this storyline.

They had no choice? They had to run the red light or have their car rear-ended?

Perhaps these creative people could sign up for Storytime on Tuesday nights at the Julian Dixon Library.