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Swish’s Umbrella Sports an Opening. Let the Sun Shine in?


If you are going to the track or flying over to Las Vegas this week, you are advised not to tuck the bumbling Barack Obama into the backseat. Based on his 53 weeks in power, he is a cinch to sour your luck.

His Presidency is gasping for air beneath the weight of a staggering number of bad policy decisions. The scholar Victor Davis Hanson yesterday enumerated 16 subjects.

After Swish recently told ABC he would “rather be a really good one-term President than a mediocre two-term President,” the brilliant thinker Charles Krauthammer cracked:

“Well, there is a third option he didn't consider, which is that he could be a mediocre one-term President, and that's what he has been thus far in his first year. And because mediocrity does not usually encourage the electorate to re-elect you, that might account for being a one-termer.”

Drenched with ill-considered counsel from a bizarre cast of unworldly sycophants, poor Swish has made a frighteningly minute number of correct calls in the White House.

It is becoming easier for the half of America that rejected him to extend a sympathetic hand to his slumping shoulder, so badly has the Presidency outmanned him.

The Least or Most Favored?

With uncanny blindness, the top half-dozen initiatives Swish chose to build his administration around just happened to be the six that Americans give the least darn about.

Any person with more than one ear has heard Swish rhapsodize terminally, flatly, about climate change, which he couldn’t do a darned thing about even if he were a decent communicator and actually were as intellectual as he arrogantly claims.

Americans don’t care about the Obama Green Agenda. In a poll yesterday, they ranked it as their least important concern.

When Swish dispatched three of his loyal knaves to last Sunday’s television talk shows, the Three Blind Mousies — Jarrett, Gibbs and Axelrod — offered three different guesses as to how many thousands or millions of jobs his phony green agenda has coughed up. None of the knaves said zero, which is where my money would go.

Swish the candidate foolishly had promised, “I will save or create 2 ½ to 3 million jobs.” Still, having fallen 3 million short, this is closer than he has come on most of his pledges.

Pegging Swish’s failures is a repetitious experience. It is like listening to him speak more than once. Or better, it is like tuning in to Top 40 radio where the hits keep right on coming.

Take his centerpiece, healthcare reform.

Although the statistic is buried deeper than Ulysses is in Grant’s Tomb, seven-eighths of Americans have health insurance. Remember that.

We are told by the Kaiser Family Foundation that 95 percent are “satisfied” or “very satisfied.” Catalogue that number, too.

One Final Sampling

Swish can’t summon passion from the basement of his being very often, but he did last week when the U.S. Supreme Court recognized the right of what liberals derisively call “corporate free speech,” uncapped electoral spending by all companies and, ahem, the Dems’ best friend, Booby, them there good ol’ boys in labor unions.

Swish the chameleon, who can assume almost any pose and make it look sincere, piously postured after the Court decision that this 5 to 4 ruling was lopsidedly pro-Republican. It would allow GOP politicians, he said, who have the most access to large, wealthy corporations, an unfair advantage in elections.

What Swish forgot to mention was that those ol’ boys in the corrupt SEIU, the Service Employees International Union, shoveled $60 million into his Presidential campaign. Blended with the $50 million gift in the summer of ’08 from the Smiling Dwarf in Iran, Ahmadinajad, Swish hardly needed five cents worth of support from the American middle class, whom he suddenly remembered three days ago.

I don’t think this is how his idol, Mr. Lincoln, became known as Honest Abe.

Even if it were not raining this afternoon, Mr. Obama still would be drowning. With his slanted luck, his umbrella would sport a wide opening in the middle. A sun roof, I suppose.

If you tracked the trajectory of his pronouncements since Sen.-elect Scott Brown’s victory a week ago tonight in Massachusetts, you would be taken to jail on a drunk charge for failing to come close to walking a straight line.

For the first three, the Democrats’ third straight statewide defeat under Mr. Obama had nothing to do with his Presidency, he said. Repetively.