Home Letters A Culver City Phantom?

A Culver City Phantom?


Re “We Voters Will Be Watching You

Ann Lidiot once again opened her big mouth in a letter yesterday, or does she really exist?

I have been told by many people she really is a coward and is using an assumed name. She might even be a man. She once said she wants to look me in the eye. Well, I've given her a chance to meet me more than two times, and she was a no-show.

Ann Lidiot, if you do exist, come and meet me at my “Coffee Chat with Mr. Z, “ from 10 to 12 every Sunday at the Starbucks in front of City Hall. Again, I will offer to even buy you a cup of coffee.

As it stands now, dear reader, please assume that Ann Lidiot is a shill for the political machine. Anything she writes comes from the mouth of her patron. I myself will use her as a foil to get my message out to the voters.

I will address her from now on as “Surrogate Shill Ann Lidiot.”

I said this would be an interesting campaing!

Mr. Zirgulis, a candidate for the City Council, may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com