Home Letters Cell Tower Worries Reach into the Crest

Cell Tower Worries Reach into the Crest


[Editor’s Note: The drumbeat of neighbors of the Cash ‘n Carry store on Sawtelle Boulevard has steadily grown louder this week as word spreads of the proposed installation of a T-Mobile cell phone tower atop the roof of the office supply business. Two days after the Culver City Planning Dept. notified surrounding residents of T-Mobile’s intentions, a large crowd of neighbors descended on last Monday night’s City Council meeting to express fears for their health if plans are approved. Concern has streaked as far away as Culver Crest. Mike Bauer, President of the Culver Crest Neighborhood Assn., is circulating a response he received from Mayor Andy Weissman regarding the allotted period. It closes in 11 days, but is expected to be extended.]

Mr. Bauer wrote: I have received the below response from Andy Weissman — (thank you, Andy, for your usual immediate response to our issues). He explains that 12/28 is far from the final date to respond to this issue. As you can see, there is a process that will take analysis, meetings, etc. It's not going to happen overnight. Anyone who is opposed to this will have sufficient time to gather the facts and have their day in court.

Mayor Weissman wrote:

Dear Mike,

T-Mobile has filed an application to put a cell tower on top of Cash ‘ Carry.

We heard all about it Monday night.

We have directed staff to, among other things, meet with the applicant to discuss the location, to meet with the neighbors to discuss all concerns and issues, and to make recommendations accordingly.

Part of the problem with cell towers is that under the federal rules, local jurisdictions are not permitted to consider health concerns in determining whether or not to allow a cell tower.

There are community people who think we ought to, even though it is not permitted. Everyone will have an opportunity to make their position known, and 12/28 is not the last opportunity for people to do so.

Mr. Bauer may be contacted at culvercity99@aol.com

Two other addresses of interest:


