Home Letters Ex-Candidate Seeks to Correct the Record

Ex-Candidate Seeks to Correct the Record


Re “A ‘Warning’ on Zirgulis Letter for Donations

I just read a letter from George Laase complaining that I was seeking donations to retire my campaign debt while running for School Board.

He says that I wrongly stated that it was school policy not to hire substitutes who were running for office.

Mr. Laase, I can only tell you that I was told by Patricia Jaffe, head of Human Resources, that it was District policy as a reason that I was put on the inactive file on the computerized sub-finder. I was available to work from September through November, and I was not given any work. Normally, I would be working four to five days a week last year.

Mr. Laase, it was also suggested that I look for work in another school district because some people complained and were upset about what I had said during the campaign.

I explained to Ms. Jaffe that I do not discuss politics when I teach. I said that I did not want to work in any other school district and that I wanted to continue working as a substitute teacher in Culver City.

I was “reinstated” and put back on the active file of subfinder, the computer program allocating jobs to substitutes.

Mr. Laase, the proof is in the pudding.

You can look at my payroll records and see that I was not offered work even though I said I was available. Yes, I have felt that my job has been threatened for political reasons, and I have been willing to stand up for what is right.

I hope that I have cleared that up for you. I would appreciate any donations to help retire my campaign debts.

Mr. Zirgulis may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com