Home Letters A ‘Warning’ on Zirgulis Letter for Donations

A ‘Warning’ on Zirgulis Letter for Donations


This is a warning to the local community who might receive a form letter from former School Board candidate, Robert Zirgulis, asking for a donation to help retire his campaign debt.

The main reasoning for his request is that he was not able to work as a substitute teacher during his campaigning because of a School District policy of not allowing teachers to work when they are running for the School Board.

Do not be fooled. There is no such District policy in place.

When I received his letter, the main contention seemed so outrageous that I immediately checked with the District to see if it was true.

Supt. Dr. Myrna Rivera Cote` replied that she, too, had received his letter at her residence. She went on to say, “There is no District policy that prohibited Mr. Zirgulis from working as a substitute while running for the Board of Education. His allegation is incorrect.”

This reminded me of the first time I saw Mr. Zirgulis.

It was at last year's County PXP hearings. He got up to the podium and stated that he felt like his School District job was in jeopardy because he was passing out leaflets and speaking out in favor of PXP and more drilling.

Now, in this form letter he seems to be seeing more giants where there are none.

Maybe he likes to portray himself as the victim.

To me, he appears to be more of the District's resident “Don Quixotes” looking to become the victim of any windmill, whether real or imaginary.

As for me, I will not be returning any contribution.

Here is Mr. Zirgulis’s letter:

Nov. 22 ’09


Former School Board Candidate Robert Zirgulis

Dear Mr. Laase:

Thank you for your support of Measure EE.

Running for School Board and campaigning for Measure EE was a wonderful educational experience that came with personal financial sacrifices.

First of all, I was not able to work as a substitute teacher during the campaign because of school district policy of not allowing teachers to work when they are running for school board. Although I lost income by not being able to work as a substitute, I was able to spend the time off work devoting myself fully to the School Board and Measure EE. I also included Measure EE material in my brochures while walking precincts.

Secondly, my campaign was financed primarily by my money (personal loans to Robert Zirgulis for School Board, totaling $9,557.21). Since I was running as an “independent outsider with ideas,” I did not have the “connections” and resources other candidates had.

Although the campaign is over and Measure EE passed, there is still work to be done to help with the budget deficits and to assure that funds raised from Measaure EE will be spent properly. I am asking the School Board to consider me as a volunteer to the Oversight Committee that will be overseeing that Measure EE funds are spent properly.

I would greatly appreciate any donation you could give to help retire my campaign debt. Please send your donation to:

Robert Zirgulis for Culver City School Board 2009 (1320885)
4241 Baldwin Ave.
Culver City, CA 90232
310.486.7408 email: rzirgulis@yahoo.com

Mr. Laase may be contacted at GMlaase@aol.com