Home Letters Why Empty-Nest Couples Should Support EE

Why Empty-Nest Couples Should Support EE


As former School Board members, we want to encourage you to vote Yes on Measure EE, the parcel tax, on Election Day on Tuesday.

Many of you are like us; our children are grown now and we no longer have the same connection to our schools that we had when they were school- age.

However, like the rest of you, we want our schools to remain excellent with exemplary, award-winning programs for the children of this generation and beyond.

We know there were residents before our children attended Culver City schools who were forward thinking and supported the educational system that benefited our children.

Now we have to be forward thinking as well.

Paving the way for the continuation of excellent education for all students who attend Culver City schools is the responsibility of every resident. Those children are the future of our community. An educated population supports all of us.

The knowledge that all the money collected remains in our School District, that eligible senior citizens will not pay this tax if they complete an exemption request form, and that we are doing our part to fight against Sacramento’s draconian budget cuts by raising some of the money through this community-based measure, gives hope to our students, teachers and staff that our community supports the preservation of excellent education in Culver City today and for future generations.

Please join the undersigned, former Board members, with a Yes vote for Measure EE on Tuesday.

Stew Bubar

Madeline Ehrlich

Mike Eskridge

Barbara Honig

Bob Knopf

Stephen SchwartzMarla Wolkowitz

Ms. Honig may be contacted at barbarahonig@juno.com