Home OP-ED School Board Trick or Treat

School Board Trick or Treat


Election Day and Hallowe’en
With just a few days in between
Goblins try to plague our sleep
As we decide who’s “trick or treat”

Which candidates can serve our schools?
Who has the essential tools,
Experience and expertise
To meet the challenges we see?

To make schools better for each student
To deal with safety and environment
Each candidate must pass the test
To stand out from all the rest

Like one who’s taught in K-12 schools
And knows first hand the many rules
Someone who is a teacher now
Who has experience and know-how

Who’ll work with all the folks you see
Within our fine community
Who’s also backing Measure EE
And understands good schools aren’t free

Our kids deserve the very best
Those with their heads above the rest
With education that surpasses
Many other lads and lasses

Degrees from Harvard and Boston U
I think you know exactly who
I’m going to say is one to note
Karlo Silbiger’s got my vote.

Dr. Hoult, who is working with the Karlo Silbiger campaign, may be contacted at