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New Left Rx: What to Do When You Feel an Obsession Coming


This week’s furious character assassination of Rush Limbaugh is the worst display of incivility by the Left since the character assassination of Sarah Palin.

Which was the worst since Dick Cheney.

Which was the worst since George W. Bush — and that only covers the last 12 months.

If you can’t out-think someone on the Right, and the Left has been a vexed pimple in Rush’s rear-view mirror for two decades, then you brand your target a racist, deemed a cinch reputation-ruiner.

The National Football League, which has more ex-cons than Gitmo, ruled yesterday that Mr. Limbaugh was ineligible to become a prospective team owner because his political commentary was divisive.

The ex-cons, and the list is updated weekly, are not divisive, said the commissioner. They know their place, the commish winked.

Once the racist label has been affixed to a conservative person, the designated wretch is supposed to descend into lifelessness, his career ashambles.

The Left’s tactics have not varied since the Civil War.

Oh, Baby, You Are Too Much

Watching the Left misbehave at a record pace because they are jealous of a star on the Right is like entering the circus without having to buy a ticket.

It also is like unscrewing the lid on a jar of bees and turning the jar upside down.

Obsessions can be fun for awhile. But after a few minutes, they feel as if you have just downed three consecutive hot fudge sundaes for dessert. You are sick at your stomach.

Jealousy of the relatively towering accomplishments of Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney, Mr. Limbaugh and even the phenomenal Ms. Palin can be the only plausible explanation for the Left’s maniacal obsession streak.

When Swish Obama was campaigning for the Presidency for a couple of years, his people let the Left know that when Swish took command of the White House, race was going to be restored to America’s display window as the hottest topic in the country for the first time since Dr. King was assassinated 41 years ago.

The racists were returning to power.

Do you remember the runt ranting Henry Louis Gates last summer?

Do you remember the Rev. Wright?

Don’t forget Valerie Jarrett.

Don’t overlook Mad Michelle.

Do you remember the restoration of the Rev. Sharpton?

Recycling Jesse the Mega-Sinner

Even Jesse (I Loooooove Hymietown) Jackson, as fresh as a Model-T, has been rehabilitated. Jesse has less credibility than any of my wives, but veracity was killed long ago on the Left in a hit-and-run case that never was reported in the liberal-monopolized media.

Do you remember the cards Van Jones played a few weeks ago when he was ousted?

Swish Obama has made charging racism more fashionable on the Left than drugs, alcohol, Hummers or Priuses.

You will recall the character of Messrs. Bush and Cheney were tarred with racist fabrications and historic were tagged for destruction .

You will recall that Ms. Palin, who lived about 150,000 miles north of any racial turbulence, was branded a racist after each of her daily rallies last summer.

And now, the, shall we say deliberate, thinkers in the world of athletics have joined the political fray.

This can only means the mainstays on the Left must feel they are losing ground to Mr. Limbaugh.

They have mocked him for more than 20 years because they can’t out-think or outwit him.

He is more popular in this country than about 6 of the most liberal television networks and 300 of the most liberal newspapers combined.

And so, hurling charges of racism at Mr. Limbaugh strikes the boys on the Left as the only sane way to soothe their jealousy.