Home Editor's Essays The Nobel for Piece Goes to President Predictable

The Nobel for Piece Goes to President Predictable


[img]1|left|||no_popup[/img] Serious persons did not expect Swish Obama, currently the world’s best known, least accomplished egomaniac, to do the manly thing.

For about the 75th consecutive time, we were right. You never miss when you undershoot on moral values with Mr. Obama.

If your teenage son shared Mr. Obama’s judgment and values, you would be tempted to ship him to your brother-in-law, C.O.D., until he matures.

Mr. Obama’s dead-pan reaction to the nonsensical conferring of the “Nobel Prize for Piece” this morning would have earned a spanking for dishonesty from my parents.

But then Swish grew up as a wild child in an unorthodox family. In 8 1/2 fairly empty months, he has displayed less ethical grounding than any recent President.

According to Organizing for America, one of those bootlicking Whores for Obama-type groups that sprang when he sprang up, the President of the United States actually said the following in reaction to his astoundingly undeserved award:

“To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who've been honored by this prize — men and women who've inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace.

“But I also know that throughout history the Nobel Peace Prize has not just been used to honor specific achievement; it's also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes.”

Take just the first sentence.

Had he a whiff of moral decency, he would have stopped after the first 28 words. Instead, being Swish, he stepped on the pedal and roared into Never, Neverland.

Is This Jewelry?

He is shlepping a string of failed initiatives that would make a nifty necklace around the neck of an ugly elephant.

My goodness, he has not done enough to be in the company of the City Council of Culver City.

No wonder Swish is a rootin’, tootin’ cheerleader for illegal immigration.

His worldwide ego recognizes no boundaries, and neither do those wonderful people pouring over the Mexican border.

Since Swish is on the road more than a traveling salesmen, the more imaginative of his aides or czars should throw up a circus tent whenever he stops. That way we could dial up the right mood for a freak sideshow, which is what his conceit has turned him into.

He loves himself more than I loved all of my wives. Well, maybe that is not such a hot comparison. More than I love my 4 children. That is more respectable.

How Could I and My Ego Resist?

I heard wagering this morning that the rarely flashed decency of President I Love Me So Gosh Darned Much would prevent him from actually accepting the dopey prize that has gone to some of other gutter men of the world as well, Jimmah Carter, Al (I Love a Good Scam) Gore, Yassir Arafat and Middle East munitions inspector Bugs El Baradei.

Swish would be in better company at the Home for Lame Dames with Roller Derby experience.

No wonder it is said that give the dimensions of Swish’s ego, he never sleeps alone, even when Mad Michelle is out buying unaffordable clothes and trimmings.

Grace is a strange in his universe.

Instead of declining the award, like a normal person, abnormal President I Love Me said he would make a sacrifice, crank up the Obama Travel Agency for one more wheeze, and taking his freeloading family off to Oslo.

“They love me so much,” he whimpered as his helicopter lifted out of sight.

But, while still on the ground, no kidding, Mr. Full of Himself said:

“I will accept this award as a call to action, a call for all nations and all peoples to confront the common challenges of the 21st century. These challenges won't all be met during my Presidency, or even my lifetime. But I know these challenges can be met so long as it's recognized that they will not be met by one person or one nation alone.”

Open the window, Murgatroyd. A llttle stuffy in here.