Home Editor's Essays Swish Aims and Fires, Hard, at His Favorite Media Target

Swish Aims and Fires, Hard, at His Favorite Media Target


Just because it has not been chronicled does not mean it is not true.
Swish Obama has not come close to figuring out how to govern as President during his first 8 1/2 months.

Witness just his latest stumbles —  when he and Mad Michelle delivered the most self-consumed speeches even the arrogant IOC ever had heard, his backtracking, zigzagging, clumsy attempts to ameliorate Afghanistan and humble Gen. McChrystal, his utter inability to try to gain traction — read clarity — on healthcare reform.

Americans never expect flawlessness from their Presidents, but rudimentary effort.

As a communicator, he speaks as if he has a bag of marbles for dentures.

His lack of will and staggering absence of clarity are shocking personal failings in one so young and formerly so promising.

Here is the brilliant essayist George Will’s take today on the Obamas’ face-splattering pratfall before the Olympics’  committee last week:

“Both Obamas gave heartfelt speeches about . . . themselves. Although the working of the committee's mind is murky, it could reasonably have rejected Chicago's bid for the 2016 Games on aesthetic grounds — unless narcissism has suddenly become an Olympic sport.

“In the 41 sentences of her remarks, Michelle Obama used some form of the personal pronouns ‘I’ or ‘me’ 44 times. Her husband was, comparatively, a shrinking violet, using those pronouns only 26 times in 48 sentences. Still, 70 times in 89 sentences conveyed the message that somehow their fascinating selves were what made, or should have made, Chicago's case compelling.”

The Job Clues Aren’t Hidden,  Swish

By the day, Swish’s remarkable deficiencies in judgment and maturity are as obvious as a belly on a grossly overweight middle-aged man.

Traditionally, when a low-flying Chicago politician performs on a new job like a fish in Death Valley, instinct makes him resort to heavyhandedness.

It has to be someone else’s fault he is failing.  The culprit will be fingered.

Da mob did it.

And so does da fading Messiah.

Hearkening back to his pretty recent Chicago training-wheels days, Mr. Obama has not lost his touch for applying heat that stings when trouble looms, the way they did in Chi-town when Swish and the boys played gutter politics all day.

This afternoon’s most fascinating Yer Gonna Pay for This drama is reported by Politico.com, one of the most reliable websites in the country.  

The Key Warning: Execute

According to Politico star journalist Mike Allen, President Swish handed a tasty assignment to his No. 1 henchman, David (I Never Smile When I Am  Doing  Business) Axelrod, who doesn’t leave home without his rhetorical shiv.

His New York mission, which he relished: To lay a greasy warning hand on Roger Ailes, the CEO of Fox News, because only Fox reports Mr. Obama’s cornfield full of foibles and flops in a balanced  way,.

Officially, this is all we know.

Bet your wife’s favorite piece of jewelry that The Axe, as King David thinks of himself, not only took Mr. Ailes to the woodshed, he indelibly hot-branded him the way a cowboy does to a helpless mustang.

One core problem is that Swish Obama has the most childish set of rabbit ears that a President has been cursed with in the last hundred years. The President has been a prissy pretty boy most of his life. His virginal ears are unaccustomed to criticism. When he is criticized, make book someone will pay.

Like  a 5-year-old majoring in tantrum tossing,  President Rabbit Ears periodically publicly bashes Fox News.

Not any other network because the rest, largely, are liberal bootlickers.

And so, Mr. Ailes’s ears have been in flames for the past fortnight.

Both ears have been almost uncontrollably  aching ever since The Axe explained — in rhetorical red meat — what the  White House can and will do to his nifty operation if they don’t back away from all but the most incidental critiques.

Hamhanded threats are the only way Mr. Obama knows to fight.