Home OP-ED From the Heart of Gary Abrams

From the Heart of Gary Abrams


[Editor’s Note: In disgust over last Wednesday night’s Culver City Democratic Club Candidates Forum, School Board candidate Gary Abrams penned the following message after only two fellow Democrats were endorsed for the three open seats, Karlo Silbiger and Kathy Paspalis.]

Ambushed, by fellow Democrats — 09/09/09.

Why I will never participate in another SOS (same old stuff) Candidate Forum again.

There is no educational benefit.

You learn little if anything new.

eavy on “Fluff.”

Waste of time, away from our families.

For a person who speaks from the “heart,” format is an extreme handicap.

I’m “old school,” like when America knew how to make cars. Remember that 1970 “GTO?” You didn’t just turn on ignition and floor her. You let her warm up a bit (3-4 mins), get the oil flowing, and then you gave her the gas. 0 to 60. Heck, it takes me over 3 minutes just to say my introduction. Google me: Gary Abrams C.C.U.S.D. “candidate.”

Three minutes may seem like a lot of time, but when you are being timed you realize how brief it can be.

Before you know it, the one-minute sign is up and you haven‘t even begun your meat and potatoes. 30 secs now you are trying to cram 5 min. of substance.


Time’s up.

But I haven‘t… Huh? Okay. “Oh, those rules.”

Now the crowd’s homegrown (no kids).

Son is on – takes 3 mins to state impressive credentials (Commissioner, Delegate, Animal Friend (active member), campaign manager (10 campaigns), V.P Democratic Club, (hey, that’s not fair, he in advance). Honorees Banquet chair and v.p. (two jobs, must pay well). Community Network, youth soccer coach (come on now, you played?) Y Winners and School Board meetings.

Ever mention plan to save District (doubt problem ever came up, huh?).

How do you spell volunteer? (Must have missed it) and well-connected endorsers (Low blow. Can you count parents?) (Check with lawyer.)

Then goes into his speech and how he has many solutions to remedy budget crises.

Home crowd taking in every word. Heard a pin drop and some snoring, too. Waiting for standing ovation. (Shoot, he left out finding cure for “bullying.”)

Were some good ideas, nothing innovative. Just business 101. Two Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degrees, all in Education. (Is that what happened to my hair, too?)

Ever need any advice on education, this is the guy to see.

Just keeping it real. Heard all of this before from his brochure and his first meet-and- greet, which I attended.

Real smooth guy, plays safe. Lifelong teacher, in twenties. (I remember those long ago years, how fast they went. Thought I knew more than dad. Thirty years old before I realized dad was a genius).

Now my 15-year-old is talking smack to me. I told him, “Keep it up, I’ll smack you all right.” (They’re starting younger. Heck, I was 19 when I first got up enough nerve to even talk back. Said something like, “You’re just old fashioned.” (Old school” had not been coined yet).“Groovy, and bad” were hip words for cool. “Groovin’ on a Sunday Afternoon.”

Now it’s a very caring and concerned mom, single parent with twins, turn. (We actually got off to a tough start, but we’re okay now) takes 15 sec to state her credentials and her experience to handle budget crises, caring about public education and that all children deserve a learning environment that provides a solid educational experience, etc…

Everything most parents would want for their kids. Already read her brochure, which she gave to me (on day that I registered to run). Met her at Meghan and Karim’s (our sons are, like, best friends) happy hour.

Mr. Unpopular spends his 3 mins trying to explain that he is being attacked and he will never personally attack anyone. 1 minute, 30 seconds. Stop! Uh! Uh! Not one word about oil.

Out comes the first pageant-like random questions.

How are you going to solve this budget situation?

One minute:

Favorite son: Make schools green, better utilize school facilities, rent them out (“rent them out” — stole my line, shucks).

Combine city and District facilities. What? Your dad, City Councilman, didn’t already know this?

Scattered and staggered applause. Crowd must have been confused or sleepy?

Caring mom: Because of a unique combination of experiences, attended public school, K-12 , first in family to get college degree, first to become attorney, first parent of twins — (We have something in common. I have a twin sister) — and skills (professional, manager, and lawyer) (thought she was an attorney Duh! Got ya!). Have experience to take on tough challenges our School District is facing in this economic climate and have a track record as a problem-solver and consensus- builder. Forgot: a mom, soccer, Little League mom, room parent, School Site Council member, (Could have read brochure).

Mr. Unpopular: Environmentally friendly oil. We already got that. Been around the world three times. Already knew that, too. He was surprised Culver City didn’t have grant writers. Dang, where has he been. What about Measure EE?


Must have his head in an oil well.

Never heard about dog reading before. Is he a member of Animal Friends, too? Got some great ideas. He is different, probably all that going around world three times.

Mr. Ambushed: Anyone in this room have any ideas how we can get money for the District?

Scanned the room. Saw City Council members, board members, at least two Ph.Ds, and at least a dozen attorneys.

Not one hand was raised to confess. See? Me, either! Not alone. (Scheduled after forum was a Measure EE rally.)

Started my passionate pleas for us voters to start complaining about school funding at the bottom of priorities.

Money for bailouts, wars,

Sorry, nothing is eft for kids.

Okay I got them. Bring out the big guns now.

Everybody has a union.

I am a starting a union for kids, and I am already on the Board.

Six spots, and if voters give me a raise, it will be the fifth seat.

Crowd looked mesmerized. (Found out later they were frightened they had never seen an angry “black man” since the ‘60s.

Had some flashbacks. Some of these youngsters were being born). Good to go. Went home to see my little big head boy.

Almost missed this opportunity to pick up an endorsement. My second grader son’s Back to School Night had conflict (there every day any way). Anybody who knows of me, “My kids come first.”

My oldest son was swimming in a championship meet for Culver High and a presentation program (at Radisson’s $100/plate) for Volunteer of Year (me, of course). Had conflict. No brainer! Saw my son miss first place by .03 secpnds.

Three seats available on the School Board. Four prospects, all Democrats.

Two shoo-ins. One spot left — either oil or kids union.

One of us is in.

Did not wait for results.

No call tonight.

Next morning results, only 2 endorsed.

Do not play poker against these folks. Warned ya!

Think I will go back to my “declined to state” box on my voter’s registration. At least I won’t get invited back, by accident.

Mr. Abrams may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com