Home News Remembering 9.11 Tomorrow

Remembering 9.11 Tomorrow


Early on Friday morning, the city of Culver City will be honoring the losses experienced during the attack on the World Trade Center Sept. 11, 2001.

The Police Dept. is coordinating with the Fire Dept. a 9.11 Remembrance to be held on Friday morning, starting at 6:30, in front of the Fire Dept. headquarters, 9600 Culver Blvd.

Members of the public are invited to attend. Seating will be provided only for those members who lost a loved one on Sept. 11. Parking is available at City Hall on Parking Level One.

The ceremony schedule:

6:30 a.m. — Police and Fire Personnel will assemble

6:59 a.m. — Time of the South Tower collapse, bell rings

7 a.m.— One minute of complete silence

7:01 a.m.— Siren sounds

                  Brief musical tribute

                  Color Guard lowers flag to half-staff

7:20 a.m. — Ceremony completed

Capt. Heins is a member of the Culver City Fire Dept., and he may be contacted at 310.253.6840 or at bill.heins@culvercity.org
