Home OP-ED A Hands-into-Everything Sort of Person

A Hands-into-Everything Sort of Person


I was thinking — why do so many of the things I enjoy have to do with my hands?

More specifically, why do I get my hands into so many things?

In the culinary arena I enjoy:

• Rubbing in olive oil — both prior to the preparation of food, and at other times — on my hands.  Besides the fact that it feels good, I believe it's a healthy pastime.

• Mixing salads, leftovers and the fillings for egg rolls — with my hands.

• Kneading whole wheat bread dough — with my hands.

• Eating with my hands — especially chicken and other crunchies.

In the arts & crafts arena I enjoy:

• Folding paper (origami), creating pop-up cards, and sculpting clay figurines -— with my hands.

In the interpersonal arena I enjoy:

• Giving hugs — with my arms and hands.

• Foot massages — with my hands.    

If I were a winemaker, I wonder how much I'd enjoy feeling the grapes being crushed beneath my feet — (not hands, but there's an analogy).    

Any thoughts as to why a person enjoys using his/her hands to derive so much pleasure. 

Why are some people so “anti-hands-use”?  They cringe at mixing a salad with their hands (“That's what they made those big mixing forks for”), eating with their hands (“That's what they made forks and knives for”), and kneading dough (“That's what they made bread-making machines for”).

Are you a hands-into-everything person? 

Or, are you “anti” on that score? 

And WHY?

You can email at robertebsen@hotmail.com