Home Editor's Essays Don’t Try to Fool the Unsophisticated — or They Will Punish You

Don’t Try to Fool the Unsophisticated — or They Will Punish You


[img]1|left|||no_popup[/img]One of the factors that may force America’s most regal newspaper, the New York Times, to put a gun to its head before running completely out of money, is its upside down presentation of the news.

Ordinary Americans understand the game that the revered Times, the Los Angeles Times and dozens of other failing left-wing newspapers are playing.

Why are virtually all of America’s liberal  newspapers gasping for air — the Boston Globe nearly  went out of  business last week  — when bastions of objectivity,  the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Times, are percolating along with full tanks of gas?

One side feeds you news, the other its hate-propelled opinions.

Because unsophisticated Americans, who may not know whether “college”  has one “l” or two, were born with baloney-detectors.  They know when a television channel or a newspaper is jobbing them.

Unsophisticates know sophistry when it is shoved into their ears or eyes every day.

To digress, the Fox News Channel, treated worse by the mainstream media than you  ever were by your ex-inlaws who despised you, is No. 1 by miles among cable news networks.

Meanwhile, the smirking, content-free commentators on MSNBC and CNN and whoever else does cable news trail Fox by such a gaping margin that the smirkers would have to hail an aircraft to catch up.

Left-wing journalists throw upside down stories at you — where the bad guys are good and the good guys are bad — and pat themselves on their sweaty backs for  fooling you again.

Not quite.

A Lady Howls  at the Moon

Marjorie Miller, who has been openly perched on the far end of the left wing since she was drooling over Arab terrorists as the Jerusalem bureau chief of the Los Angeles Times, produced a dandy piece last week for  the Times.

She consumed nearly half of the op-ed page to  expound her extreme agenda and latest folly —  gaily cheering to have Bush
administration officials prosecuted by a Spanish court for committing the crime of  “torture” at Gitmo.

This is a legitimate subject to examine.

However, Ms. Miller attempts to make fools of her readers with her premise.  Even though incidents of “torture” never have been explored, much less proven, the thin-ice Ms. Miller, like a good little liberal, says she does not need proof. She knows torture  went on because President Bush and his henchmen  were Republicans.

Well, that does it for me.

How about you, dear reader? Surely you will not demand proof, unless you are one of those fussy conservatives known for being fact-sticklers.

The headline over Ms. Miller’s amazing, self-consumed interview read “Torture trials.”

She purports to interview one of the looniest left-wing radicals in England, Prof. Philippe  Sands of University College London. The American and British far left — think Amy Goodman of “Democracy Now”  for the Pacifica radio network — worships him because he is making a dandy living out of writing books mocking America.

Prof. Sands’ new book, the subject of Ms. Miller’s interview, is “Torture Team: Rumsfeld’s Memo and the Betrayal of American Values.”

Probably could be mistaken for one of Hawthorne’s or James’s early novels, don’t you suspect?.
His previous tome was enchantingly titled 
“Lawless World: America and the Making and Breaking of Global Rules.”

Every self-respecting American should buy 5 copies, 4 he can burn, 1 he can use for a pillow. 

Ms. Miller, a fading, aging journalist, fails in two critical areas. So as not to ruin her own personal agenda, she tells you nothing about the odious Prof. Sands, treating him as if he were just another honest-broker barrister who walked in from the innocent sidewalks of Culver City.

Secondly, in true liberal tradition, she lashes wildly at the American enemy, and then  asks  Prof. Sands to validate her accusation,  which he gleefully does.

No  Proof  Needed

At this point, American “torture” of terrorists —  whom liberals believe do not exist — is no more of a fact than global warming.

But Ms. Miller, who personally hates Republicans, is not to be discouraged. Facts are for sissies, she says.

Her opening sentence presumes the facts  already are encased in cement, and  she is facilely engaging in post-conviction shmoozing.

I quote:

“It is an interesting legal question: Can a Spanish criminal court prosecute U.S. officials for laying the groundwork for the torture of Spanish citizens held at Guantanamo Bay?”

That’s all. “Torture” was committed, an anti-American leftist says so in his book, so do all left-wing journalsists, and now let us get on with our lives.

Meanwhile, the staggering Los Angeles Times is emulating a boulder tossed into Ballona Creek. We are fresh out of life preservers.