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How About This Cast: Holder as Tim Conway and Obama as Harvey Korman?



Why is the Obama White House beginning to look like out-takes from the old Carol Burnett television show? You may remember the 1970s, when Harvey Korman and Tim Conway wrestled each other every week in a bowl of slapstick jelly?

I just have not figured out whether lightweight Eric Holder, the hotheaded Attorney General, more closely resembles the pratfalling Mr. Conway or mirthful Mr. Korman who never was able to keep a straight face.

Mr. Obama is assembling a cast of astonishingly ill-prepared, unqualified amateurs. They make the Three Stooges look erudite. I suspect the President, sly guy that he is, chose these misfits so that Vice President Joe Biden, a latter-day Ed Wynn, would have somebody to play with.

Dainty He Ain’t

One week after tripping over a cuspidor when he trashed white Americans as “racial cowards,” Mr. Holder hopped a flight, of all places, to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

When he is not busy buttonholing colleagues in the Dept. of Justice, saying, bizarrely, “I wish you were black like me,” he doubles as Mr. Obama’s official Director of Mind-Changing.

You may remember Mr. Holder belching fire on this thorny subject during the late campaign. He anguished over the undeserved plight of the unfortunate 250 Muslim wretches being detained at Gitmo, faulting President Bush for being terror-obsessed.

But, as Mr. Obama now admits nearly daily, the world sure looks different from the White House than it did when he was out slumming with the peasants during his campaign.

As Mr. Obama’s Director of Mind-Changing, Mr. Holder himself has undergone a stunning conversion from baloney-thrower to Republican-like realist.

In a race with his boss to see which one can change his mind about more supposedly fixed campaign convictions, Mr. Holder said yesterday that Gitmo was a very nice place to visit, although he would not want to live there.

And Suddenly There Was Light

He also said that the previously asserted nonsense about mistreatment of these terrorists was dead wrong. And I quote:

"I did not witness any mistreatment of prisoners. I think, to the contrary, what I saw was a very conscious attempt by these guards to conduct themselves in an appropriate way."

Where was this clown last campaign season?

My golly gee. Mr. Holder, who appears to have gotten religion, is talking like a born-again Republican.

He further confessed that Gitmo is well-run, is professional, and by golly, the much maligned prison is so darned impressive, he said, that it will difficult to close down.

The downside of this proposition is that Mr. Obama commonly has gone off half-cocked since Jan. 20. He is a broad strokes, anti-detail person. Never having devised even thee smallest plan, he has no idea where he is going to send the 250 terrorists at Gitmo, which is why the Attorney General nervously shifted from foot to foot yesterday when reporters pressed him on precise strategy for shutting it down.

Like his boss, Mr. Holder every day is acting like that popular candy American children hover over every Easter, the milk chocolate pieces that are so disappointingly hollow.

Can’t be too much integrity inside of either the President or the Attorney General. We know this because for 5 weeks, they have been so busy changing their minds and blushingly lining up with the positions of Mr. Bush and Sen. John McCain, whom they formerly belittled.

Is it too late for the uninformed, misled Obama supporters to change their minds and at least get their money back if not their votes?