Home Editor's Essays Undisciplined Holder Can’t Resist Igniting a Racial Fight

Undisciplined Holder Can’t Resist Igniting a Racial Fight



It was widely suggested that when a black man as obsessively race-conscious as Barack Obama was elected President last November, the portals would swing way open for a record number of black appointments.

Race, hardly for the first time, became a permanent factor in a President’s appointment calculations.

For or against, it obviously is a despicable practice.

However, the cynical Mr. Obama does not shave in the morning without placing the act on his political calculation scale. His policy has played with his fellow liberals as he knew it would, like a Beethoven symphony to the ears of the hate-fueled, let’s-get-even, reparations or affirmative action crowd.

The trouble with positioning race ahead of character on a qualifications list is that you unavoidably end up with ethical scofflaws such as oily Eric Holder, the law-flirting U.S. Attorney General.

Like Wife, Like Employee

However, his talent as a racial arsonist appealed to the President’s darker side, reminding him of his wife’s temporarily quiescent, strainingly shielded attitude.

If Mr. Obama’s race-calculating scales were honest, the morally muddled Mr. Holder would not have been hired. The President’s scale does not sort out black racists, believed, by liberals, to be as extinct as dinosaurs.

The slimy role that Mr. Holder played — and lied about — in pardoning the fugitive Marc Rich at the end of the morally muddled Clinton administration, should have permanently placed him outside the pale of significant politics.

Unashamed of his lack of personal control, Mr. Holder is intellectually homeless, liable to go off in any setting. — as he did this morning.

What happened was tantamount to handing a cocktail and a hundred-dollar bill to a drunk.

On the occasion of Black History Month, he addressed the black, white, brown and yellow employees of the Justice Dept.

His message was only for the non-blacks.

As a black man who has risen, in part, because of his race, Mr. Holder is the latest to practice a favorite Democratic Party sport, I Hate America.

Dear Murgatroyd, you may not have realized when you awakened this morning that we live in a land of racial cowards.

Said the self-excluding Mr. Holder, in an Associated Press report:

"Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial, we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards.

"We, as average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about race.

"It is an issue we have never been at ease with and, given our nation's history, this is in some ways understandable.

"If we are to make progress in this area, we must feel comfortable enough with one another and tolerant enough of each other to have frank conversations about the racial matters that continue to divide us."

A Whether Forecast

Before the undisciplined Mr. Holder’s nervous grip on the Attorney General’s chair is 6 months old, I am confident he may fatally tarnish his badly scuffed reputation.

He will foolishly get himself involved in a racial spat. The ugly incident will eclipse what he achieves in the narrow belt outside of racial parameters.

Two of a Kind

Waving their race obsessions as if they were assets, Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder are at home in the Democratic Party. Pedestrian liberals are just as looney about race as their leaders.

Even, or especially, when the world is quiet, liberals cannot resist the temptation to build a bomb.

Washington Post television writer Howard Kurtz, an uneven observer of the Washington scene, tried to play arsonist last Sunday morning with author/PBS commentator Gwen Ifill on his CNN program.

Playing to his strength, no question seems too ludicrous for Mr. Kurtz to pose. With a routine lack of respect and responsibility, Mr. Kurtz asked Ms. Ifill if she had detected racial bias in the coverage of Mr. Obama during his first 26 days as President.

Since no President in modern history has attracted the virtually unanimous sycophantic coverage of this White House, Mr. Kurtz’s disgusting.

As the lone grownup at the table, Ms. Ifill answered the insulting question with appropriate succinctness. “No.”