Home Letters One Night When the Council Finally Did the Right Thing

One Night When the Council Finally Did the Right Thing


Re The brief, and now ended, communal flap over a City Hall staff attempt to cap at 20 the number of written Speaker Comment cards that are read aloud at public meetings

It is bad enough that City Hall does not notify us of upcoming meetings.

It is clearly marked on Speaker Cards that “if you would like to receive future notification on the topic you are addressing, please check a box and complete the following." Then they said the only legal responsibility was to post it at City Hall. I felt we could go one step further than the legal responsibility and do what the card says.

As for the City Council finally doing the right thing, Monday night, after the Speaker Card controversy was settled, was the first time I have ever left the Council Chambers smiling.

I think the staff should be replaced. Maybe some new blood in the staff will get us on the right path.

Clearly the staff does not care about the citizens. They should have some training on how to get their priorities straight.

Ms. LeBlanc may be contacted at Leblancdonnafree@yahoo.com