Home Letters ‘Cruel Attack’ on Silbiger Is Decried

‘Cruel Attack’ on Silbiger Is Decried


Re ‘As the County Says ‘Yes’ to City Hall, Never Underestimate the Influence of a Mob.’ Nov. 13.

Your attack on Vice Mayor Gary Silbiger is one of the most cruel items you have written.

You can disagree with someone (as you often do), without that kind of personal attack.

Culver City needs something to replace their contract with the Carson shelter.

It is one of the most disgusting places you can imagine.

My last two dogs came from there, and I have many horror stories about the place.

We need change immediately so that no more dogs will suffer as mine did in that so-called shelter.

Ms. Polokoff may be contacted at bevpl1@yahoo.com

Ari Noonan comments: The impersonal criticism of Mr. Silbiger was reserved for his selfish, obstructionist professional tactics as a politician, which he has practiced to the consternation of colleagues and much of the public throughout his one and a half terms. Every Monday, he seems to dedicate himself to being even more anti-collegial than he was the preceding week. There is a reason that two different sets of colleagues have been almost unanimous in rejecting his minor and major ideas for more than six years.

The most recent criticism of the Vice Mayor was aimed at his ill-conceived attempt to play to a cheerleading crowd of partisans. Instead of trying to intellectually persuade his colleagues of the soundness of his position, he resorted to the low-flying game of trying to turn a howling crowd against City Council teammates. His weekly refusals to compromise his positions and then sulking, verbally, gets old fast to those around him. Such behavior has turned him into the most isolated City Council member in modern times. His tactics have been so consistently distasteful that on those odd occasions when he comes up with a good idea, his colleagues have little appetite for joining him.